Intro new here need help

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New member
Hello I’m new here. I’m 43 and I have been diagnosed with low t about 4 years ago. Did the dr thing for about a year. Getting injection bi weekly. Got to feeling like my energy was low and switched over to the bodybuilding stuff. Ntm the prices was overwhelming. So I still feel like I’m in a slump like my levels are low. Any thoughts on this. I’m currently on sus250 1ml week
Hello and welcome. Do you have your before and after numbers? What are your numbers currently? Is your doc checking all panels on blood to include estrogen? 1ml a week is typical for most general practice docs unless you go to a known TRT doc or a endocrinologist, some docs just give a shot and say. You should be good! Just need a few questions answered to help you out.
@doosty for starters welcome. You will find this place is full of great people.

Now let’s dive in to what you are telling us. If you are running a blended product like sustanon depending on the recipe thats your problem there. Sustanon by nature is a ideal blended product but requires a EOD administration. You are driving up your levels day 1-3 just to steadily come down and crash per the file i attached on esters below. So in return you peak and crash weekly starting on day 4. No good for what you are trying to do. I personally would split the dosages apart EOD with .25cc of test c or e mixed in with the sustanon at.25cc. This will have you feeling better and crusing in a healthly range of 350 to 650 ng/dl.

Best of luck and we are hear to help.


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I have been on TRT since early March. I got in here with these guys and let me tell you there is a lot of love here for guys like us. Some is tough love as I experienced. Guys telling me like it is. I was looking for the easy way and they wouldn’t let me have it. I have been following their advice and have started seeing and FEELING the results. Putting in the effort in diet and work has made my experience with TRT plus the extra advice and gear recommended by @Optumpharma and all the great guys here it has made me feel like I am 25 again. Plus my smell and night vision and recovery and confidence all come back. Hell I can listen to my 11 year old talk about tiktok and I can actually follow her and respond well. Instead of feeling frustrated. Your in a good place brother
Welcome friend! I think you’ll enjoy this forum. I’ve been apart of multiple online forums and “communities” and this is the only one I genuinely love and feel like people actually care about each other. I’m a sporadic poster, so a lot of guys might not remember me from previous interactions, but they treat everyone with the utmost respect and genuinely care about you
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