Intro to the board and some info on me

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Active member
Sup fellas, I want to introduce my self, Im new to the board here and want to thank Dirtnasty for letting me know this board exists.

I am 46 yo and coming back hard to training after a 7 year hiatus for work and kids. The 7 years were not kind to me. I travel for work pretty extensively and it killed me physically, and mentally.

I started TRT about 5 months ago and have been working out about 5 days a week in my garage. I take 120mg Test a week, a dose of MIC, and just added a a shot of Estradiol.

I am 6’ and about 225lbs give or take. My diet is tight and my program has been very effective so far.

I get a lot of info on gear from Dirtnasty who has been a friend for about 5-6 years, and am looking to start my first cycle here in the next few weeks, and am getting my wife a cycle of Var to start a week or so after.

I’m hoping you all will help Add on to the info I get now from dirt as well as maybe some different opinions and to take advantage of all the experience.

I’ll be open to posting my labs and goals if it helps with getting quality input back from board veterans.

Appreciate you all.
Welcome brother!!! Wish Dirt lived close to me to be my friend!!! He seems like a pretty solid guy. Your in good hands.
Welcome. I like @Dirtnasty. Anyways, it’s a great place here, lots to be learned and shared, don’t hesitate to ask anything.
Welcome buddy. Always glad to have a new member. Jump in and contribute any way you can! We’re happy to have you.
Welcome to the board, I too an new, but have found these guys to be very helpful and encouraging.
Thanks, ive been checking out all the topics the last few weeks and finally felt like I get the layout and the community and wanted to jump in.
Not sure yet on cycle.

I’m torn a little as some of you can probably relate to from your first time.

I have long arms and legs that I cannot seem to build mass on. I’m happy with my progress on chest and back, but still have not gotten the thickness I’m looking for on the appendages.

I’m definitely gonna bump my test up, my doc has been keeping me around 800 and is pretty conservative, so Was thinking of doubling up what I get at the clinic.

I really want to break my genetics on arms shoulders and legs, so would love any input y’all feel like sharing.
Welcome to the UG family. I just came aboard recently to and everyone here is very knowledgeable and helpful.
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