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Introduction and some pct guidance

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Hi all. New guy here. I’m 34. 170lb 5’8”. I’ve been working out for a little over a year now. I have certainly not met my natural limit but I decided to do a cycle anyway. Call me impatient and stubborn I know I know. I’m on week 3 of 250mg Test Sust per week. I’ve noticed strength gains, increased energy and sexual stamina. I can’t find a solid answer on a pct for such a mild cycle. I have Clomid, Nolvadex, and Arimistane on hand. I’m also considering upping my weekly dose to 500mg or dosing 250 twice a week. What would you do as far as upping the doses or pct?
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Welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around I reccomend this for a pct
Pct protocol simple version Steroid Cycles and Discussion
A normal conventional pct protocol is a combination of Clomiphene citrate and Tamoxifen Citrate Or clomid and Nolvadex. If you run a long ester cycle with enanthate or cypionate you would start 2wks after your last injection. If you were running a longer ester such as an undecanoate or a deconate you might want to wait 3wks or longer. If you’re running short esters like prop phenylpropionate or others usually 3-5 days later is the time you would start your pct depending on the ester and its ha…
If you can. Get blood work. Check your levels. Crashing your estrogen is just as rough as having too much. A crash takes forever to recover. And you don’t want that. Trust me. But @Bigmurph article is a good one to read and get some good answers.
How many a day of each and for how long been running 500 mg of test enanthate for 13 weeks with 30 mg of t bol and feel the need to pull the plug due to having some anxiety attacks or can this be an estrogen side
13 wks you have been running an oral? If so stop immediately and get bloodwork you can have really messed up your liver and cholesterol.
If you’re not feeling good then listen to your body and its time to pct and come off.

Click on the blue words and it will bring you to the entire post. Also you can search pct using our magnifying glass and it searches the site not Google so you will get helpful information
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Wait… What? 13 weeks on an oral? You need to get off the oral ASAP. As @Bigmurph stated. Get blood work to include estrogen levels. Blood panel. And test levels…
Ok I’m dropping the t bol but I would like to stay on the test should I throw an A…I. in with my test have aromison and letrozole on hand if so how much is the recommended thanks
Ok I’m dropping the t bol but I would like to stay on the test should I throw an A…I. in with my test have aromison and letrozole on hand if so how much is the recommended thanks I also ordered some DIM that I read was recommended off one of the articles on here
Need blood work. Some people get little conversion of estrogen. Like I said crashing estrogen is just as bad or worse than too much. At least for me it was. Took almost a year to unfuck my low estrogen and a heavy regiment of HCG. Finally got my dick working like it used to and have a couple boys hanging now. 😂
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