Introduction hey everyone

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It’s starting to consume me now to be honest. Told the chick working at front desk of gym that I can finally get big arms that I’m doing weighted dips. She didn’t catch the sarcasm. Sometimes I feel
Like I’m all upper body
What kind of enhancements are you currently using?

Training split? Ppl?

You got kids? Want kids?

No one here is going to berate you brother. We’re all in this together. There are some extremely seasoned vets to this type of lifestyle.
Currently on 250 test e 600 deca split into two injections a week. I am on week 9 of 10, then I will go back to 100 test u a week split into two injections a week.
I am doing a five day split
Chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs.
I do not have or want kids but I don’t feel as strongly about not wanting them as I used to. I’ve done three cycles and one pct starting in nov2019.
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