Sorry ive been off for 5 months about the length i was on. Test never came back stayed at 440 and never got passed 500. Symptoms were sad bad that i thought maybe if i go back on it would get me back to where i was, little did i know this beligas i had ordered was complete BS. So i started to inject again for a bout a month , test was at 489 the highest and i stopped as i was having extremlybad hot flashes and illness everytime i would inject. Either the beligas is complete garbage or they extremely underdosed but nonethless their product is crap as it was giving me major illness like to the point i was in bed with chills. At first i thought it was test flu but every pin did this no matter the amount. Then after seeing after the month my test was 489 i was completely shocked and stopped so that would be the 6th month now im about to be 7 months total of being off my “first cycle” and test is at a good 442. And Free T is dramatically Low as well. Borderline low. Hopefully this helps the confusion.