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I think the theory here is that if you stay off the really harsh drugs (18-nor for example) you can restart fine. Anecdotally a friend of mine was on for 2 years and his restarted fine. If I were to guess, it sounds as if the more often you’re shutdown the harder time you’re gonna have getting it started back up again.
Lilice24 said:
. T seems to never get passed 500 no matter what i do.
Your pct failed to restart your natural function. What should have happened was another round of pct. we have no idea if your pct compounds were real, but they failed. And your choice of action was to inject more test which by lab check looks like it was bunk.

This isn’t a great mystery. Take it one step at a time and control the panic in your brain. Hooves- horses.

You have the option of getting pct compounds from a different sponsor and trying pct again.

Or getting test from a different sponsor and trying again.
Welcome it I’m having trouble with time lines you say you haven’t used test in 6 months but you have been pinning belagias test here and there
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Sorry ive been off for 5 months about the length i was on. Test never came back stayed at 440 and never got passed 500. Symptoms were sad bad that i thought maybe if i go back on it would get me back to where i was, little did i know this beligas i had ordered was complete BS. So i started to inject again for a bout a month , test was at 489 the highest and i stopped as i was having extremlybad hot flashes and illness everytime i would inject. Either the beligas is complete garbage or they extremely underdosed but nonethless their product is crap as it was giving me major illness like to the point i was in bed with chills. At first i thought it was test flu but every pin did this no matter the amount. Then after seeing after the month my test was 489 i was completely shocked and stopped so that would be the 6th month now im about to be 7 months total of being off my “first cycle” and test is at a good 442. And Free T is dramatically Low as well. Borderline low. Hopefully this helps the confusion.
My opinion is to try pct again and try and get yourself restarted. Then you can readdress everything afterwards one way or another
Also important question, if i started again would it hurt my hpta axis? Or would it benefit or neither? Not to great on how all that works.
I would go that route of a good pct but for some reason my body hates it, i get extreme hot flashes to the point i have to take a cold shower. Ive tried clomid and nolva and they both just dont sit right with me. In your opinion if i were to try out lets say test propionate from a reputable source like flash gear and say i pinned 100mg to see if that helps at all would it hurt or you think it would make things worse? Its one of my last options and propionate just in case it doesnt it can leave the body faster. Any input would be nice or suggestion!
It doesn’t exactly work like that. One injection isn’t going to tell you anything.
Completely understand, so what should i do? Try it for 2 weeks see how my body reacts? Just got a lab done and results for testosterone are a solid 362 as of today, what do you think?
Just some things to think about. If you rush your recovery and jump back on gear you may mess it up permanently and have to do TRT for life.
I think you’ve got some big decisions to make.

Get ahold of some pct from a reputable sponsor and hope you can bounce back


Start trt… your 24 so lets use 40 years… pin twice a week…104 x a year for 40 years…. 4,160 times I think. Plus mucho money and a royal pain.
Completely understand your guy’s point but at this point in my life id rather be on for life then to go through this depression and anxiety. I understand all the consequences but i believe if done right and getting blood work done every 6 weeks and keep my diet in check then it can be a lot more beneficial than low T which ive read has a higher mortality rate than high T. It seems like my test has dropped a good 90ng/dl over a 3 week span. Also forgot to mention, free testosterone is 3.47ng/dl . If i were to start propionate what would be the recommend dosage a week and how long would it take for it to kick in and get my test levels in a normal range?
I mean if he’s at 440 it’s already restarted that’s not a horrible number perse it’s in the range of acceptable
Numbers are not 440 anymore as of today they have declined down to 362. Feeling horrible and even worse than the previous weeks. Sleeping more than 12+ hours a day. Diet is on check have a really good diet regimen . 440. Isnt bad if your 70 years old. Have had multiple friends of mine ages range 23-26 all eat like absolute crap and there test levels range from 780 - 924 . I do have an odin test e 250 laying around ive never used brand new. Wondering if its a good test . I might consider trying to hop back on at this point as my test seems like its not wanting to come back whatsoever.
Brother…I’m not being a jerk when I say this. There’s no one that is going to “tell you what to do”. You are ultimately responsible for your decisions and your well being.

You’ve been presented with a couple of options. YOU have to choose.

We can’t tell you if this or that is going to work on you. Everyone is different and what works for me might not work for you.

This is a case of cause and effect. Is your mediocre T causing your depression and other symptoms or is it the other way around. Losing 30 pounds just because you ended your test only cycle doesn’t sound right. Laying in bed for half the day will contribute to fat gain and muscle loss.

You have to review the whole situation…” my test was 954. During mid cycle i was around 1567. As of now my latest results were 440”
You started with great levels went on peds and raised your T level a bit… now it’s in the so-so range.

Get your head straight… don’t give up. Hit the gym with compound lifts. Only you can pull yourself out of this. As stated above… pump the brakes… carry on for a few more months and readdress it.
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