Much much appreciating all the post right now!!! Truly any one that would like to give insight or suggestions is more than welcome!! Can save my life at this point. My biggest symptoms would be panic attacks almost every 3 days if not 2 days. And anxiety everyday throughout the day and depressive episodes. Serious dark episodes. I have got a full blood panel done and everything checks out my thyroid, my fsh is 1.5, my cholestrol and everything else is in check, hemoglobin in check, rbc in check, literally everything is smack on except for test and free test. Which are borderline low. Also, if it is worth noting, i still workout but a lot less about 4 days week. And i make no progress. Seems my body actually gains fat. My muscles are extremely small, my bones are smaller, everyday im losing weight but getting a bit more fat. Again not sure if it is directly related to the testosterone, but i can when i “was” on it. I felt the best ive ever felt since i was alive. Sex drive was through the rough, lifts were crazy, pumps were crazy, eating was crazy, was so happy that i had episodes of extreme happiness for no reason at all! Everything and anything helps guys truly. At this point it can seriously save my life. Im tired of these docs telling me im either bipolar or have anxiety disorder and just trying to throw pills at me as ive seen with those pills have done to some very good people. Thanks!