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Hey bros. I’m brand new to lifting, looking for general advice on diet, workouts, and anything else. I’m considering getting on gear as well (I know, totally unnecessary). I want to start a cycle soon, and I’m not sure where to start.
Also @Noobiegains I’m guessing your on the young side,so a lot of guys here will say,hold off on the cycle,it will shut your balls down,possibly permanently,stay natural see what’s gains you get,however most guys start it whenever they want,either they had nobody with experience looking out for them,or they just didn’t care when they one of them,so I’m not gonna tell you that you can’t start, but me and other guys can guide you in a healthy direction if you choose to come to the side.
I’m 21, 5’6, and around 125. My plan is to get my diet in check first. I really struggle with eating enough. Yesterday I went to my local butcher and picked up a hefty amount of sirloin, along with some nuts, veggies, fruits, and some dairy from the store. My goal is to just eat 3 meals a day for this week
No berating just questions and some thoughts

I’m assuming you’re a male…right?

Have you ever been in a gym/weight room?

NOT eating is something you need to address.

Do you have any idea of how many calories you ingest daily?

Do you have a particular training regimen you want to follow?
Honestly, I definitely plan on using gear. I have 0 idea what sort of compounds I should use. What is a good start for someone who is new to it? I’ve got a lot of time, and I’m willing to spend the money to do everything right
As a complete beginner you really can’t go wrong.

Eat everything you can get your hands on and do a basic training template. You’ll grow like a bad weed.

Juice is not going to help you right now.
Yes I am a male. After basic, just like every other dude, I lifted a lot in AIT. But I don’t really count that as experience. I just ate everything I could get my hands on, didn’t sleep much, and went to muscle failure every set.

I’m a little confused, I’ve been told before that I shouldn’t just eat everything if it’s super unhealthy, because it can stunt my growth? I did make some newbie gains when I did lift for a few months doing that. Today I’m going to buy a food scale and track my macros and calories on a spreadsheet. I have a buddy who’s been lifting for a while, but didn’t really follow a routine whatsoever. So I’m going to track all of that stuff with him. I think it’ll really help me stick to it.

I recently went through a really rough phase where I wasn’t really moving at all, sleeping all day, and not eating for days at a time. For this week, to ease my way into it and not burn out, I’m just going to eat 3 meals a day. I would guess I’m eating around 2-3,000 calories a day. After work I’m going to crunch the numbers.

You mentioned juice won’t help me grow right now? I’m curious why? I’ve seen some progress videos of people who used off the get go, and made huge gains. I’m totally willing to just do a cycle, regardless of the health affects. It’s something I’ve always wanted to try. And I think coming out of this slump I’m in, is a great opportunity to keep me in the gym

Thanks for the quick replies, this forum seems awesome
What was your MOS? Are you still in? If you do anything it should be a test only cycle,although you still need have a proper diet and training regime implemented before you jump on the test.You gotta figure out how to eat more.
What kind of slump? Depression? Were you in country? Sleeping all day and not moving?
25Q, in the guard. I do have a plan for my diet. I’m positive I can get enough calories in this time. I’m starting slow as opposed to going straight to 4-5,000 calories daily. My problem last time was I went way too hard initially, went too extreme with the eating, and burnt myself out. I got so sore after the first week, I couldn’t bring myself to go back. I bought a shot ton of sirloin from a local butcher shop yesterday, and I plan on eating one every meal, three times a day, along with some veggies, rice, and eggs
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