SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

Some guys on other forums keep saying I need to up my fats. This is my response:

“Each of my 4 daily shakes has 8 grams of sunflower oil, 2 grams of fish oil, and 2 grams of MCT, and 5 grams of fat from oats, My total daily fat intake is 650 calories. My total calories is around 3,600. That’s 18% fat. Any higher wouldn’t be conducive to cutting unless I lowered my carbs which is a big no. Low carbs makes me flat and lethargic which will affect my training. I’m in this for the long haul, not a quick fix.”
Today was DELTS and TRAPS:
I did mostly all supersets and giant sets.
1st Round:
  • 3 sets of lateral dumbbell raises supersetted with band lateral raises.
    2nd Round:
  • 3 sets of front dumbbell raises palms down supersetted with front dumbbell raises hammer grip supersetted with band raises palms down supersetted with band raises hammer grip.
    3rd Round:
  • 3 sets of upright rows with a barbell.
    4th Round:
  • 3 sets of bent over rear dumbbell lateral raises supersetted with dumbbell shrugs supersetted with band rear delt movement hammer grip supersetted with band face pulls supersetted with band rear delt movement neutral grip.
I just had my 1st solid food meal of the day after 3 protein/oat shakes earlier. I think I went a big too hog wolf on the rice today. I’m actually full which I should never feel while dieting. I had 1/2Lb extra lean ground turkey 99/1, and 4 cups of steamed basmati rice. Definitely a carb heavy meal. But. it was post workout so it’s all good. I’ll call today my high carb day. 😀
Meal #5 today was 1/2Lb London broil steak, 2 slices Dave’s 21 grain/seed toast, lettuce, tomato, mustard.
Meal #6 was 2 scoops syntha-6 EDGE Protein powder and 2 scoops oats. 2 fish oil caps, 2 MCT caps, 1 multi vitamin/mineral/fruit and veggie tablet.
I just finished my leg workout. I feel a bit nauseas now. I cut it off at 6 sets. My legs were toast at that point. My goal on legs is to keep the muscularity I have and enough strength to allow me to walk without my leg collapsing from existing nerve damage. My left leg hasn’t given out in awhile so I’m pleased.
I did 6 sets of dumbbell squats squatting with back upright 1/3 of the movement, then dead lifting the final portion of the movement and touching the dumbbells to the ground. I do the exact reverse on the way back up. Each set had 8-10 reps with feet shoulder width apart, followed by wide stance for 5-8 reps, followed by slightly inside shoulder width stance for 3-5 reps. So, 6 sets of 16-23 reps. Without dropping the dumbbells I did standing calf raises, 6-12 reps, followed by single leg calf raises without the dumbbells for 5-8 reps, followed by both feet calf raises for 5-8 reps.
It caused my left leg to shrink to 1/2 the size of my right leg. It’s still at least 1/3 smaller. The muscle on the outer sweep died. I’m just glad it doesn’t collapse any more. It’s embarrassing to walk and collapse at work in front of a bunch of people. They probably thought I was a drunk.
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Since protein/oat shakes are a large part of my diet, here is the break down on what I drink: (2 scoops Syntha-6 EDGE, 2 servings oats, 2 grams MCT oil, 2 grams fish oil)

- 660 calories per shake.

- 58 grams protein

- 66 grams carbs

- 18 grams fat



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Happy Friday, UGM friends!

Today I’m driving out of state to go to my grandma’s 99th birthday party. I can’t eat the food my family eats. My blood pressure would sky rocket. So, today is going to be all protein/oat shakes with fish oil, MCT oil, and all my other supps.

I’ve had 3 shakes so far. I’ll have 4 more. :milk_glass:

The hotel I’m staying in has a real nice little gym with the best cardio equipment I’ve ever seen. It also has dumbbells up to 50Lbs and a couple benches. I brought my workout bands too. I’m going to do back and cardio tomorrow, and chest and cardio on Sunday. Maybe I’ll do some cardio today depending on time constraints. 👍
So, today I’ve had 6 protein/oat shakes. One more to go. In all honesty, I have to admit, protein shakes only dieting sucks!!!
Tomorrow my uncle is making me food that’s on my diet: fillet mignon with all visible fat trimmed, a dry baked potato, asparagus, and a dry salad. I’ll have avocado on my salad for healthy fats. I’m also going to find a grocery store somewhere and pick up some deli London broil roast beef and rice cakes. I can definitely tell I need two food meals daily. I probably should up it to 3 meals and 3 shakes but 2 meals is easier time wise. I only brought chocolate flavor protein powder with me for 4 days. Without a doubt, peanut butter cookie flavor blows all the rest away!
  • 5 sets standing band rows
  • 5 sets seated band rows
  • 5 sets single arm reverse grip band rows
  • 5 sets narrow grip band pulldowns
I’m so sore and wiped out not having my HGH with me. I feel a hundred years old without HGH.
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