SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

Now this bloak is one lean mutha fugguh!
  • 7 sets seated band rows supersetted with 7 sets standing band rows
  • 4 sets one arm reverse grip rows
  • 4 sets narrow grip band pulldowns
  • 4 one arm barbell rows
Here is my progress over the past 7 1/2 months. I know I say I’m trying to get down to 4%, but what I’m really concentrating most on is growing while simultaneously dropping body fat. This is why I keep saying I’m in no hurry. If I wanted to be 4% in a month I’d do the same thing Jay Cutler did the final month before the Mr. Olympia which was nothing but talapia and steamed fibrous carbs(greens), plus I’d add fasted cardio and post workout cardio.
As you can see, my arms, delts, and lats grew a ton. I already had a good chest and abs. My obliques are a lot more detailed. My abs are as well but in this pose I’m not vacuuming them.
Anyone who doubts the magic of FLASH LABS gear, here’s the proof. Remember, I’m 54 years old and growing like a weed. My AAS doses haven’t increased between the 2 pictures posted. I do however add and subtract various AAS all the time while keeping the same basic total mg’s. I also will say anyone who doubts the powder of HGH, try it. It’s insane what it does to an old body.
Diet today, 08/31/2022, was 4 protein/oat shakes with all the usual capsules and tablets, plus two food meals of 10 egg whites with two cups basmati rice and salsa.
  • 4 sets (upper chest) weighted push-ups with feet elevated adding weights each set.
  • 4 sets dumbbell flies
  • 3 sets push-ups hands wide, medium, and semi-narrow spacing supersetted with 3 sets barbell pullovers.
  • 4 cable crossovers with bands up high for upper/inner chest, middle position for middle/inner chest, and down low for lower/inner chest.
Today I decided to drop tren for awhile. It’s been a few weeks which is my limit on tren usage. My new AAS daily inject regiment is 60mg test prop, 35mg NPP, and 15mg masteron prop.
I took 2ius HGH, 50mg anavar, 50mg turinabol, and 20mg Cialis upon waking and let the capsules dissolve in my mouth. I remained fasted for 2 hours. I then had my first protein/oat shake with my MCT oil, fish oil, taurine, L-arginine, magnesium, vit/min/fruit/veggie pill. I started my chest workout immediately after my shake.
Today I did BICEPS and TRICEPS:

I did all supersets and giant sets.

1st Round:
  • 3 sets of band curls arms together and alternating arms supersetted with single arm reverse grip pushdowns supersetted with single arm overhand grip pushdowns supersetted with hammer grip pushdowns
2nd Round:
  • 3 sets of standing barbell drag curls supersetted with single arm reverse band curls supersetted with barbell skull crushers supersetted with narrow grip bench press
3rd Round:
  • 3 sets of dumbbell Hammer curls supersetted with dumbbell kick backs
4th Round:
  • 3 sets of alternating dumbbell curls supersetted with single arm lying dumbbell extensions supersetted with single arm reverse grip band extensions
I then took 3ius HGH and did 30 minutes on the bike.

Lots of giant sets today:

  • upright barbell rows supersetted with band rear delt raises overhand grip supersetted with band face pulls supersetted with band rear delt raises hammer grip supersetted band lateral raises and band front raises alternating each with every rep.
  • bent over dumbbell lateral raises supersetted with dumbbell shrugs straight up and rear rotational shrugs supersetted with band upright rows.
  • lateral dumbbell raises supersetted with band front raises overhand grip and hammer grip.
  • front dumbbell raises overhand grip and hammer grip supersetted with side lateral band raises.
I then took 2ius HGH and did 30 minutes on the bike.

After cardio I had 10 egg whites with salsa and 2 cups of steamed basmati rice.
I just did my 2nd cardio session of the day, another 30 minutes on the bike. My beta blocker blood pressure medicine is making it harder to drop new body fat. I can only get my heart rate up to the mid 90’s, 100 tops. But health comes first so I’m staying on the nebivolol at 10mg before bed. I’m in no hurry. Slow and steady wins the race. 🐢