SB Labs

Legs stubborn af, legs every other day?

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Just added the good girl bad girl workouts to Saturday pump work was expecting to be more sore
Good stuff guys, thank you.

@TG so stretching can help to build muscle? This is very interesting to me, and the first time I’d ever heard it. Honestly if it was anybody but you or these others guys on here that said it I would probably laugh it off.
Is there a particular stretching program, or just a full lower body stretch? My wife helps me with this when I get really tight, and it often leads to other things which I love as well 😎
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I’ve read it has to do with the fascia around the muscle, stretching it allows the muscle to grow bigger, they compare it to stuffing a pillow case, if the fascia is only so big, you can only stuff so much muscle into it.
Ok that makes sense, my gym owner has also been working on my feet and shoulders, tearing fascia tissue. He uses 150-300 lb bars of steel and puts them on certain parts of my body and leans into them. It is incredibly painful, but afterwards I feel so loosened up. I will have to ask him what it’s called again, I don’t remember
Check out “hypertrophy coach” on Instagram. I like his stuff. He has some good activation exercises that have helped me a good amount.
Least of all your butthole off topic do you remember how long it took to raise your prolactin on hgh I’m gonna keep an eye on this this go round
Always keep the bh tight around here. Too much test got everyone hopped up.

It was about a month. Maybe a little longer… it was rough. Libido tanked. Felt meh about life. Def keep an eye on it! A little caber and turned right around.
I didn’t either! That’s why I’m thankful for UGM! we all get learn together. I’m glad someone got something positive from it!
If no one else did I did boss I know everyone is different but I’m willing to bet mine elevate too which we shall see
About the prolactin, actually still haven’t had time to test. The orders are at the lab, just haven’t had time to get there. I just started .25mg of caber twice weekly and the issue is resolved in 2 weeks
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