SB Labs

Legs stubborn af, legs every other day?

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I would speculate 700 Mgs of NPP would do it alone much less hgh. I will test it and see before cycle however I can’t say I run my hgh protocol like the broscience says too I played with it on my last run and I like it all pre workout in either a 4/3 or 3/4 split
I will do say. Sat and sun then none till say weds or thurs then back to sat I’m not sure it matters I ran it every which way you could and found the way I liked it
I do 4 iu per day, and in the last 6 months my body fat is almost 0% (exaggerating, but that’s what it feels like). And this is belly fat that I’ve had since junior high, never been able to shake no matter what. My sleep is amazing, I can go straight to sleep every night, and my skin is awesome. Only annoying part is my finger nails grow like crazy lol, I have to clip them twice a week or so
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