Lost a bro to OVerdose

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Just found out today a bro from back in the day died from overdose. He has small kids and a kickass wife who stayed with him through all the years of shit. He was a great guy but just couldn’t put the shit down!!! I actually sat at a table and watched him ( when he was recovered) cry and bitch over another brother who had recently recovered and then went back and died. And yet he went back to the vomit he puked up previously.

The dealers in and around Milwaukee are lacing everything nowadays with elephant tranquilizers. Not just heroin anymore. It’s fucked up how they kill off their own customer bas for a few extra dollars. It’s so bad in the cities in Wisconsin that people don’t get high anymore by themselves they always have a partner with narcan on hand in case of OD. And yet they still do it!!!

Don’t get it. I know this. My bro didn’t wake up one morning and decide to be a drug addict. It is a very slow progression that can take anyone. It has no discrimination. Peace brothers.

RIP my friend!!!
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I would say lucky for me my drug of choice doesn’t tend to lead to ods when relapse but I have a had few friends get fent in coke and die. I’ve knows so many people that have od’d that the news doesn’t even get movement from me
That’s a horrible fact that I can’t stand to hear that someone went and fought made it home and our govt should be on top of the suicides and drug abuse. I understand why someone is going to use when they get back it doesn’t make sense to me that they don’t have a serious decompression before just thanks for your service.
Men and women who serve are proud people and they don’t ask for help they get shit done.
In my opinion they need to step the fuck up and help our veterans.
All about the money I guess. Politicians and dealers are a lot alike they don’t care about our lives or families just money. Fuck the dealers and the politicians!!! Only difference between the two are some wear suits.
So sad to hear that it is such a common occurrence that people are becoming desensitized to it @Dirtnasty.
I used to carry narcan on me everywhere I went would see it so often never hung with opiate crowds obviously but would walk past people nodding off all the time or when you went in public bathrooms
First sorry to hear about your friend. @Dirtnasty is right about junkies flocking to the deaths because they think there’s some good shit around. It’s sad. What kind of stupid politician thinks it’s a good idea to legalize this shit ? It’s so frustrating. Sorry for the rant
They have medical offices that the addicts goto inj and then goto work come back and shoot again at lunch then dinner. They give them everything but the dope but they test the dope before they inj it to know that there’s no fet or any other dangerous compounds.

I don’t believe in this route but we have suboxone and now the inj they shouldn’t have withdrawal and they can’t get high why not give that inj to everyone who od and ends up it the hospital so they can’t use anymore then get them on suboxone so they don’t go back.
@Rusty, sorry for your loss man! I’ve lost a few friends over the years, suicide, murder drugs and alcohol. It never gets easier. I just recently ran into a guy who’s older brother was one of my very good friends 20+ years ago in High School, we grew apart over the years, I had a family at 16 and still went away to college, lost touch with some people. When I asked my friend about his older brother he let me know that he had just passed away a little less than a year ago, severe alcoholism. Just like your friend, at one point about 12 years ago my friend was doing very well, clean off drugs and I think fairly sober… he had some good people in his life, but his brother informed me that a series of unfortunate set backs kind of took their toll on josh, and ultimately took him as well. My thoughts are with you through this time of loss
My heart goes out to you and his family. As a recovered addict/alcoholic I understand his struggle. I pray every day that GOD keeps me sober. This crazy world we currently live in where we spend billions on putting people in prison instead of getting them help I will never understand. If there is anything I can do for you or his kids man hit me up. I will keep you and his family covered in prayer GOD BLESS
My nephew died three years ago from her ion overdose with fentanyl in it his mom was a Junkie my wife’s parents got him and his sister she was two the sister was born premature with a twin but one didn’t make it cause mom was strung out and didn’t know she was preggo He was 14 and already hooked on OxyContin got him off he graduated and got on roxys then moved to Augusta with his sister who was/is same way met a girl doing same and finally moved back when he took molly and thought people were trying to get him took his moms keys at a gas station ran into woods called my wife’s father three days later from a mans house by time father In law got there he was gone then next day he got locked up cause he pulled a fire alarm thinking since we are firefighters me my brother and father in law would come. Got him out of jail and he couldn’t even talk right still told us he thought he was Jesus went back to his mom got picked up two weeks later again for walking down the bypass and a cop stopped to ask him if he was ok and he told him he was Jesus so you know how that went finally got his mind halfway back. Never could talk right and always said he could think what he wanted to say or do but couldn’t get his mind to do or say it got clean knocked the girl up went back to Augusta with her had a welding job making 25 dollars an hr and it happened two weeks after his daughter was born.
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