SB Labs

Lost a bro to OVerdose

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Damn man!!! I couldn’t even imagine that one bro!! Hope to hell I never have to see a loved one go through that! My heart goes out to ya brother
That’s addiction at its worst. He even pulled a firealarm for help he knew he needed help his mind isn’t right though so he couldn’t just say help.
Im sorry to hear about that brother
Yeah brother thats how my mom is with Jesus and the tress talk to here by the way they sway and everyone is out to get her. The meth ate holes in her brain. She doesn’t get high anymore but you can’t tell. I’m grateful she’s still around though she will never be the way she used to.l be. I have empathy for your situation brother. The Disease of addiction is a very serious thing.
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Its true I believe that addicts should be locked up in a different pod and instead of just time it should be a program.
Criminals are one thing but an addict is another and instead of helping them with the mental health and homelessness they can eventually stop them from coming back over and over.
That’s the key if they don’t want to change they definitely won’t no matter what you do or put them through I would have never stopped but I needed to stop for a reason and I got my shit together finally.
Its not easy by any means even using detox compounds its misery.
Speaking a mental health how many you guys out there know about depakote?
When I took it in the past it wasn’t bad very mild and no side effects really for me.

When I say mild I mean it won’t have you sleeping all day in a haze
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I used to use coke and shrooms and acid and pot. Don’t touch any of it anymore. I still drink but it doesn’t consume me. I take part at a place called Samaritans Hand. Sometimes I run meetings sometimes I just go to listen to peopl talk and talk about my own issues. It’s like a family kind of like this place. Another one died last night I didn’t know him but a lot of people at Samaritans Hand did. Two others died two weeks ago but I didn’t know them either. It’s just crazy how they dropping like flys. The thing a lot of people think we choose this but we don’t it just takes us.

I read a lot of guys on gear use to have an addictive past. That’s just how we are. All or nothing mentality.
I remember being locked up with heroin addicts. They be locked up for 60 days and when they get out they go to the dope right away and take same dose they used before going to the clink and they aren’t used to it anymore and they die.
I look at it like this, the choice to try the military could have killed me, or fucked me for life, just like drugs.
I can go on forever. There is stilll a huge stigma. I see it daily. Even among healthcare like myself. Someone gets multiple stents, has copd and type 2 diabetes, never works out and they are treated so well. Get out of hospital and it’s right back to the fries and cigs. Mental health are labeled frequent fliers, gaming the system, even our veterans were getting shit care. Stigma! Very hard to treat symptoms of disease only without finding the cause. Medical assisted withdrawal is ok but so many look at long term subutex use as BAD. You ever see someone run out of there subutex/ suboxone…bad withdrawals. I’m for whatever is going to make you a productive member of society without the guilt and untraeted pain, mental and physical, that leads to somebody picking up again and dying or dining on a bullet. Our society would rather sue the doctor that gives a Chris Cornell ativan then come out and give a voice to the struggle he had of having so much Stuff, but still has a big holee in his heart. You don’t have to be famous or self-medicate to feel like that or have a voice but look how many “Stars” get the oh my he/she has come out about their anxiety. How brave! You can buy their book here. I guess this could go forever. We know how to make drugs for pain that hit a receptor and does not hit kappa or nociceptors. But why treat people with pain anymore when the risk is so high for lawsuits. Although small, Portugal has had success, Canada has had success with clean shooting rooms. We were flooding the market from 1960s with heroin from the golden triangle, then again from Afghanistan. I’ll stop. God bless anyone that has to think there are 1 or 2 options use or die. Get help, tell someone or doctor what’s going on. A lot more care now, I think 🤔.
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