SB Labs

Lost a bro to OVerdose

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rnmuscle said:
Medical assisted withdrawal is ok but so many look at long term subutex use as BAD. You ever see someone run out of there subutex/ suboxone…bad withdrawals
To be honest brother I used suboxone for 2yrs on medical detox and was able to completely stop I actually just started taking them further apart and then was able to stop and it wasn’t bad at all I still believe that suboxone was a miracle for me personally. I was extremely lucky and blessed to be able to break away.

Every one is different though just like with aas I believe that everything effects people in small differences because of all the different variables.

I should add that I don’t believe that subutex should be used for detox it needs to be the suboxone so that it has the naloxone in it so that you can’t get high off of the buprenorphine
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So the naloxone is not effective sublingual. They started that because u can shoot subutex and supposedly that is why the narcan is there. I’m not going to give all the ways to get a “high” from the bupe, but for psin it was used at 0.3mg or 300mcg per injection. Bupe has it’s own ceiling. The sublingual dose is large due to the way it’s entering body, not so bioavailable…but don’t get me wrong I am all for whatever can help. Bupe and many opioids really are good for treatment-resistant depresion. Methadone can also be used effectively, it full agonist at mu not partial. I’ve seen many take it just like any other med and work , live fine. I surprised you didn’t taper way down before jumping off or maybe you did.
I know buddy I’m tryin to keep numbers minimal. And I definitely have to say the clonazapam fits my needs better then Xanax
I have had the conversation and my doctor believes that it will be a better fit for me also im to nervous to switch though smh
How often are they gonna do your blood to see your levels? Depakote could be a bit hard on the liver and it’s been shown to lower testosterone levels and mess around with estrogen levels. Possibly an aromatase inhibitor? Interesting stuff to read up on.
3 months I see her and scheduled bloods a week before I see her
Yeah it was a hard pull we still see his daughter and baby mama all time she is doing good now but. She doesn’t have a male figure takes her a while to warm up to me mental health and addiction are overlooked in America everyone is to busy with there own stuff to care
It’s only going to get worst. Hell I think some
Of it is people are too busy dealing with their own
Shit to help others. I don’t think our minds and emotions are evolving at the same rate as technological breakthroughs and so we can’t pas down from generation to another how to deal with all the new problems in life
There is one possible side effect I would love, weight gain, I’d turn it into muscle, then who knows things like adrol would work for me
Damn dirt. I just reread this and I think your spot on. You know we are always chasing happiness and trying to fill that empty hole. I have found that nothing is more satisfying to the soul then serving other people. Seriously like coaching or helping old people with stuff. Anyone having depression issues should try it. It is free and can be customized to each individual’s comfort zone. Lots people need help so there is no shortage out there !!!
Everyone has some kind of issue and know it’s worse from all the instant gratification we get from literally everything and social media everyone is a star look at me look at me just to make themselves feel important I don’t need a bunch of hypocrites behind a keyboard or the govt for me to know that I see it everyday in my wife my boy my friends family my customers it what the media Hollywood and govt have told us what we should be I’m sry when I say this but I love UGM and all my bro’s here but 6 months without the internet would do us all some good and as far as getting help with the things that we struggle with it’s hard to find a good counselor or person to talk to and doctor that won’t just throw a bunch of pills at it nowadays I gues cause of the liability
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