So my product has been open about three weeks. I’m pushing 1 ml (300mg) twice weekly alternating glutes. I use a new pin every time and draw with a separate 18g. I use two alcohol pads, one to wipe the top of the vial and another for the skin. I inject at the top outside quarter of the glute. I used a 1inch pin and may have injected at an angle, it happens unfortunately.
Last night I pinned with the same vial with a 1.5 inch and so far, so good. A little sore. The lump has gotten smaller over night. I’m really hoping that my source us good and it’s just my body or my technique. In the past I used 1 inch and did get small lumps but I figured that was normal. I will be able to tell if the 1.5 inch pin was what I needed to hit the muscle in a couple of days.
Thanks guys for your help. This is a great community.