Muscle Redness and Soreness at Injection Site

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I’ve had some issues with pip previously but I had gotten everything down to a science with taking 75 mg of test 2x weekly and was rarely having any at all. Starting last Monday I started a full cycle of 500mg test a week split up into two doses and the pip has been pretty bad again. I still have a lot of soreness on my right glute from an injection last Thursday and on the left side is very sore from an injection Monday morning. I also noticed just now that my entire glute on the left side appears red and got a little concerned. I just recently switched back to some test E I’ve had since last May 2020 but I only popped the vial off in April and have used it a few times with no issues. Should I be concerned about an infection?
Have you been rotating injection sites?
Sterile protocol?

It could just be your body rejecting the gear as a foreign object but it could also be a possibility of infection. If it continues to be red and hot you should get it checked out and get antibiotics.
I have been rotating between glutes but no other sites. I always am super cautious and wipe everything with alcohol wipes and wash my hands before pinning
Sense you upped your dosage you need more injection sites it takes a bit for the testosterone to be absorbed and you can get a sterile abcess if inj in the same spot.
I would have atleast 4 sites for 2x a week the more the better I don’t believe that if you did things correctly you have an infection but its something that we all worry about and if the pain redness and swelling continue definitely get checked out
I have been feeling a little off since Monday as well so I wonder if my body is just adjusting to the big change in dosage. I’m an extremely anxious person so I’m probably making a big deal about nothing but the redness freaked me out. Going to give it a few days to make sure it clears up before I pin again and look into utilizing some more sites
Give it until after you get some rest check in the morning it should get better day by day if not its something to get looked at im crazy anxious so I understand just becareful if it stays bad just have a walk in or hospital check it out
Hey. Couple questions. What size and length needle are you using? Are you using a draw needle and a separate injection needle? Are you steady with the hand? Stay away from outside the injection site. (Outer glute)
What kind of speed are you using on injection? If you are doing the jam it and slam it. That will cause massive tissue damage. Warm the oil before injection. Remember slow injection is your friend.
Take Motrin. If that relieves the pain more than likely it was a bad injection. 7 days it should be gone worst case. Rub it. And heating pad. Loosen it up a bit. 😉
If using just 2 sites, be careful. Make sure you don’t consistently shoot the same spot. That’s bad. I kind of have a weird method. I find a mole or freckle. And use the clock method for injection. One time 12. Next 6 and 3 then 9. That way you aren’t building a ton of scar tissue up in one spot.
Best to just learn more. Glutes are easy. Try delts and quads as well (note: quads take some time to get used to) good luck and happy pinning!
What’s up @TBU always a pleasure seeing you around here brother and really appreciate the input from a vetted member like yourself, you really know your shit and any input I’ve gotten from your posts has helped me tremendously in the past Thanks man. And @Ags43z yeah if your really concerned it wouldn’t hurt to go to the doc at least to ease your mind last thing you want is a puss filled cyst. Be safe brother.
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I figured I’d stop in. I miss you assholes. 😂. Just needed to step away. Was thinking it was time to help and be a part of the community. I’ll just stick to helping others. That’s what it’s all about. 😉
I use a 25g 1” needle which could also be part of the problem. I know 23g 1.5” is recommended but when I’ve tried this it felt like I couldn’t get the needle in all the way and I bailed on it and stuck to the 25s. I use a separate drawing needle as well. I mostly do upper outer glute and probably need to rotate the spots more. I feel like I push it in relatively slow but perhaps I could do it even slower. My hands have gotten steadier but I think that’s part of the problem when I’m doing these 1ml injections it’s more noticeable.
25 and 1 is my go to forever. 1.5 is good too. I have both and swap useage just to get different pin depth. With 25 I am sure you are going slow enough. Make sure you do not push the needle in and out. stick it. And keep the same depth. (I go to the pin length. Some say this is not wise in case the pin snaps. But in 25 years never had a pun problem if you use quality pins)
Also 1ml isn’t much. I routinely use 2 ml and really have no issues. 3 ml I can feel the bulge. 🤣.
Make sure you stay with the carrier that is good for you. I like E better than C. Some people are the opposite. And lastly find out the oil. People that use grape seed oil it’s not bueno for me. I am a huge fan of MCT. So there is that. And finally. There is always going to be some soreness. I am about a 2 day sore guy. I mean you just shoved a needle in your butt. So there is that. And infection. You’ll know. Worse i had was fever/chills and felt sick. It’s waaaay worse than just sore for sure.
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