My 9-month gains with GC

So my pre-workout meal was 10 oz of chicken and a couple slices of cheese off the block. I felt pretty good and focused. Every exercise I added at least an extra 30 lb to them. It was leg day. Was able to put 14 plates on the leg press. Currently eating another 10 ounce of chicken. Got my home made protein shake to drink an hour after. Maybe hour and a half:rofl:. Dropped the drol will add var tomorrow. A couple of mornings ago I was in the middle of cooking breakfast and prepping my meals throughout the day and couldn’t remember if I popped a drol 5 mins after I grabbed the bottle so i popped another one…🤫🤣… I do fine off 100 mgs. So I wasn’t stressing the other 50mgs but I’ll be damned if I forgot that quick . Would have actually ran more 100 mgs days but on a budget so I stuck with the single 50 dose. My vars are 25s. Haven’t really thought on dosages yet. Hope y’all are well. Especially you @TG … hope you and the family feeling better dawg.💪
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Ripgut said:
Thoughts on this trap bar?
I don’t like it seems like more pain of an ass to set down a hexagon then some plates As far as getting some touch and go reps. Just seems like too much of a landing pad to touch and get in the way whether it’s the front back or side to side if you start to go uneven
Thanks bro. Family is better now. I’m the only one still sick but getting better. Another day or two and should be back on track.
My ass will be sitting in the recliner on the Xbox 🤣🤣🤣… I live in a studio so the fridge and stove is literally 2 ft away… Time to rake in some protein baby…
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A lot easier to get my meals in with the day off. This is meal number four and after this I’ll cook a 10 oz piece of chicken breast with a sweet potato and then my 1,000 calorie homemade shake. Judging by the fat content I need to slow down on this cheese. Getting my daily water intake makes meal so much easier. And since digestion starts in the mouth makes everything a lot easier to chew and swallow as well…(the thousand gallery shake will come a couple hours after the chicken breast not at the same time)
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I don’t like it I read your post and in agreement on the area hitting. Although o don’t. Really do touch and go reps but I know those are great for hypertrophy so if not competing don’t reason for full stop on dead’s
So I’m hitting legs yesterday… I’m feeling super strong repping out 14 plates on the leg press thinking to myself damn for var being so damn mild it’s doing me better than the drol… Then I remembered… Oh ya… The tren…🤣🙌💪
Some people get really good strength in bar as well. It’s John haacks go to till the last month when he swithes to bombs. Pete rubish said it’s his fav as well but yeah tren
Ripgut said:
Every exercise I added at least an extra 30 lb to them
Marathon. This is a 50 year marathon. Please mind your tendons and ligaments. This kind of jumping, after putting on the size you have in 9 months is a recipe for catching an injury.
30-40lbs in 9 months.

@Ripgut its your life. Your body. Your world. So I’ll say this less tactfully once-

Slow the fuck down before you get injured and your back the guy at the July 2022 picture, all because you couldn’t think past 10 weeks down the road.
There’s a bunch of data out there (westside, russians, old east germans etc) that show that training with submaximal weights actually works better in most cases. Better strength better joint health better power output… just better overall. Of course hypertrophy will drop poundage to submax and up the reps.
I felt better doing sub max than when I was in the 90% every week till deload. But it is nice mentally when you just keep adding weight each week.
As always… @Neuro and @Poppy I love your guys’ constructive criticism and always following it up with insight and knowledge as I do everybody else’s on this forum. I’m definitely not reving up the engine and have it on cruise control as far as I know. Definitely not going for any PRS and am doing weights that I am able to at least rep 10 to 12 times. And I always incorporate elbow tendon or ligament health as best I can before doing compound movements movements that go harder on the body whether it’s squats leg press or skull crushers excetra. And @Dirtnasty it definitely does… I usually go for a 15 to 20 rep range but like to switch it up and add weight and move the reps 10 to 13… Then after a week or so of that I’ll switch it back up to a 15 to 20 rep range.
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