My 9-month gains with GC

What’s more likely is you’ve approached your gains as a sprint. Putting on quite a bit of weight and strength in under a year and the body can only keep up so well no matter the juice. What is your sleep like? What is your average recovery look like? Stress in the body is cumulative. It’s not singular. Aka being sick affects the whole, not just your sinuses.

You have an imbalance, that probably lead to an over compensation that certainly didn’t help.

@Poppy is right. It’s all connected. What causes Your uneven shoe wear will affect your knee, hip, lower back, shoulder, neck.

This is why being swole AND flexy is important. Mobility is just as important as strength.
This isn’t improper footwear. It’s improper mobility and movement. And that will cause an injury every time.
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All in all I was having a good workout. Had 12 plates on the leg press with the sled weigh in 140 itself. Even got some squats and leg extensions. So I felt nice and warmed up the only thing I did do differently is when I do my hamstrings I always start off with either a seated or laying leg curl. Figure I would surprise the muscle end do some lat bar deadlifts first instead. Nothing heavy at all I only had one plate on that bad boy. Well one each side of course. I feel good walking. I just don’t trust bending down to the floor to grab a 100$ bill I’ll tell you that much. Sleep is 6 hours a day and my recovery is great. If I had the Time I would hit each muscle group twice a week. Happy New years brother. @Neuro
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Getting a good delt taper into the bicep I don’t think I’ve ever really had that… Losing my dad bod gut.
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