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My New training log !!!!! Says I need a longer title

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I’m feeling good but it’s only 4 days in so it’s hard to say if it works or effectiveness for me. A lot of the reps and weight added are most likely neural adaptation and better conditioning along with a response to novel stimulus. I’m most curious to see how I’m still doing in a few weeks or months if I stay on it that long.
I’ve got really bad shoulder, back, neck and knee issues so Im definitely paying attention to those pretty closely. One of my biggest reservations about this type of training is the real possibility of overuse injuries.
I’m most likely taking the day off today because my birthday is Monday and my wife wants to take me shopping and do a few things.
You l getting leaner daily but I’m loaded on gear and my calories are extremely low. I’m staying fuller and pumped and tight but that’s because of my sodium and the blood staying in the muscle, and the drugs
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RIR0 said:
I’ve got really bad shoulder, back, neck and knee issues so Im definitely paying attention to those pretty closely. One of my biggest reservations about this type of training is the real possibility of overuse injuries.
I was thinking the same thing. Overuse is bad for healthy 20 year olds… let alone beat up middle aged folks.
Good day today. Nothing really new to report. All the weights are feeling lighter and movements are more fluid. I’ve started stretching starting first thing in the morning in a steaming hot shower and randomly throughout the day which is something I’ve never really focused on too much.
There’s a spud belt squat vest I saw a guy wearing that I just ordered.

Db bench 100x17

Dips x29

Db lat raise 30x18

Pull up x7

Bent db row 60x14

Hammer x10

Rvh 75x16

Swing squat 35ppsx 20

Life fitness horizontal calf 230x11


Nautilus abductor 6px11
Hypertrophy like your doing. Probably start with supersets. Then after four weeks move to giant sets. For example. Chest day
Flat bench 8 to 10 reps rest ten seconds
Incline bench 8-10 reps rest ten seconds
Dips 8-10 rest ten seconds
Crossovers on peck deck rest two minutes
Then repeat four times.
Needs to be just enough weight that I can finish the first three sets completely then on fourth set fail at two of the exercises minimum
Took yesterday off because I was feeling under recovered. I went in and did the first warm up on the first exercise and went home.

Today: Lost a few reps on some exercises which is expected as I’m dropping bf way faster than I could’ve expected. I’m literally seeing daily changes. I even pounded food yesterday and woke up a little leaner. Had my normal meals plus pizza, wings, tater tots, a chocolate strawberry blizzard, gummies, pb crunch cereal and milk, fries, a couple chicken tenders, fig newtons, and Nutella. I just ate as I was hungry. It’s like my body is burning through everything. Back on diet today. This is the part where it’s important to know how to listen to your bodies feed back and understand what’s happening and why. I’m at the middle of the 3rd week cycle of the blast so the drugs are just now startling to really do their thing.
Added reps on some exercises.

Db press 100x14

Dips x25

Db lat raise 30x15

Pull-up x5

Bent db row 60x16

Hammer 30x20

Rvh 75x17.5

Belt squat 2pps+10x20

Quantum seated Calves 180x21

Nautilus abductor 6px12

Lowered the weight on some movements just making sure I hit failure and really wanting to concentrate solid consistent movement. I’m not so concerned with actual rep ranges or actual poundage’s at this point. Just clean reps and really keeping tension on the target muscle. Everything felt really good today. One of the things I’ve noticed is that each day my mmc is getting better. I can really concentrate on the muscle and really feel it fire with each rep.
I’ve always been the guy who said full body routines were shit for actual growth and I’ve never done one before. I’ll have to eat my words on this one. I think in a surplus this would be a hell of a routine for growth.
One thing to note is my elbows are a little sore.

Db press 90x20


Db lat raise 20x25

Pull-ups x6

Bent db row 60x18

Hammer 30x20

Rvh 75x17.5

Belt squat 2pps+10x20

Hoist calf press 11x18

Nautilus abductor 6px13

I did a full body today as well. First time in gym in a few weeks cause friggin injury. Took it light with a lot of pauses and very very very slow returns. A lot of time under tension. I noticed going 60 pounds on the row (lightest I’ve ever done) my lats mmc was amazing. They got worked probably better then ever before. Your definitely on to something with this using light weights thing. Keep it up am gonna follow this so I can see your progress!!!
Lightening up the weight has helped me a lot. I need to every rep and set to be perfect to count because I’ve got one chance each day to hit it.
I noticed I pull more with my right side than my left so It’s been a huge focus of mine to really make sure I’m paying attention to everything throughout every movement. I think this has helped short term to correct some imbalance issues.
I think you splained it once…

Do you do a warm up prior to your one working set?
I do 2 warm up sets before the db press. 1 warmup set before reverse hypers and belt squats
Day off today because my elbows were feeling achy yesterday.
A couple changes in diet. Cals are low 2100. I’m lowering fats and upping carbs. I’ve recently had all my carbs around my workouts, but later on in the day I’m feelingrun down and craving carbs. To me this isn’t sustainable.
So new macros will be 250protein,200 carbs, 33 fats.
I’m toying with the idea of upping cals, but I’m going to see how this works out first.
My carbs are close to half of yours and my fats are double. Protein is bout the same…maybe a little less as of late.
How much do you weight again cause I know I’m fat but man 2100 calories would kill me haha. I did that for liek 3 months 2 years ago dropped major weight
@RIR0 doesn’t have no fat for sure. He posted a pic earlier and he’s ripped and looks great.
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