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My New training log !!!!! Says I need a longer title

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I just everything all the time. So eating is sounding good to me at the moment
Good workout today. Legs are twitching and sore. I accidentally laid down after the belt squats and took a 5 minute power nap. I got awakened by somebody asking me if I was okay and offering me a Gatorade.
Back on diet today. Yesterday was definitely needed. The smarter choice would be to not diet so hard throughout the week but this alllows me a full cheat day every 3-7 days.

Added in 150mg of tren a week.
So blast looks like this:
375tren e
150 tren a
875 test e
375 mast e
400 deca
100mg anadrol


Power lift reverse hyper 100x12,90x16

Belt squat 3pps+25x6,2pps+25x15,1pps+25x12

Abductor 6px10

RIR0 said:
Getting big is the hard part, anybody can get lean. You’ve got the size and strength.
Gotta disagree bro. With all sincerity!!! I think it’s the opposite. Except for my age and injuries I get strong fast. Cut fat and look good not so much. So my take is it’s all about genetics. For some it’s stronger and for some it’s leaner. I am a wrestling coach so I see it first hand plus I am on the stronger side. I can gain great strength fast at least on compounds. But I struggle gaining lean mass quickly. Also on compounds. I also see it in youth wrestling that is all natural.
Your misunderstanding me brother. Some have one and some have another and the lucky ass ones can seem to have bothe. So for some it’s harder to get lean. For some it’s harder to get gains and for some lucky bastards it’s possible to do both. Compare you and @John John wishes he could gain like you. I don’t know how you feel but I wish I could run lean like John.
Yes I can. But he seems to eat whatever he wants and still stays lean. I have to be extremely disciplined to just get below 15bf.
Anybody can lose weight or fat and as much as they want. All it takes is a caloric deficit and adhering to it long enough to reach your goal. I can find skinny people everywhere. What is rare is seeing big muscular people. Building actual lean tissue, not talking about getting fat, takes years and years of consistency. It is objectively an easier task to lose fat or weight than it is to build a big muscular physique.
There’s a reason gyms aren’t filled with guys with large amounts of muscle mass. Guys try for years to build as much muscle as possible, eating big, lifting heavy, pounding drugs only to spin their wheels or to get mediocre results. I can take anyone and get them damn lean in 6 months or less without question. What I need time for is building muscle mass.
You can still eat whatever you want just within h your caloric limit. The foods don’t matter the calories do. Genetics have nothing to do with the law of thermodynamics
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I’m not arguing that brother. Just saying for some it comes easy. Guys like me it has to be a complete life change.
I’ve seen lots of people who weight a lot,and have to overcome a lot to shed weight @RIR0 you made it sound easy,with your opinions you gave.sheddining fat gaining muscle are not easy tasks,your giving a opinion on it,not facts.
I can easily say,it’s easy for me to stay lean,cause it’s how my body is, and someone else can say,sat, it’s easy to be fat cause that’s how their body is.
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