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My New training log !!!!! Says I need a longer title

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I’ve helped some naturally skinny guys who had to push a fuck ton of food to grow. Ive had one guy who weighed 150 who I had him eating 5000cals a day plus ice cream and other stuff just to get his weight up. I’ve never helped an obese person who wasn’t eating way too much though.
“I’m not eating that much. I’ll have breakfast and one meal at dinner.” Turns out their not counting the piles of condiments, sodas, energy drinks, little Debbie cakes, etc and the 3000cal breakfast from McDonald’s and the 12 pack of Krystal’s, chili cheese fries, and large sweet tea for dinner.
Funny how all that works. Hahaha

I agree with y’all @Jonny … most guys that claim “they can’t grow” and “have” to get on the juice to put any size on do not realize how much they’re under-eating. Like you said…5k calories is way more than most folks think.
The skinny guy you thought you had eating 5000k was probably lying too. He probably couldn’t eat that much so he just told you he was lol. Reality is most people lye out of convenience.
5k is a lot for a skinny person. A fat guy will tell you he ate 3000 but won’t include the 3 Jelly filled donuts he ate in the break room at work and the 6 pack of beer at night along with the big bag of Doritos. I use to be fat I’m an expert on how this actually happens lol

Rule number one to being fat is calories don’t count when no one saw you consume them.
I know him extremely well. There’s a point to where you become contrarian. There’s reasonable doubt and there’s just being hard headed. Don’t speak on what you don’t know or have no experience with.
Day off today. Feeling good. Pulling calories down to 1900 to push the fat loss phase along. Toying with the idea of doing low carb higher fat today. Replacing 2 liquid protein sources with chicken because it keeps me full longer.
Dude apologized. Can’t ask for anything more than that.

Let’s get back to figuring out what y’all are going to get me for Christmas.
Changed up a couple things today overall good workout. I’ve dropped the anadrol for atleast 4 weeks.
I screwed up yesterday trying to keep carbs low and raising fats and by the end of the day my wife and daughter ordered pizza so I tore into it. Funny enough I woke up full and tight today so to quote Bob Ross it was a “happy accident”.
Back on diet today.


Db decline press 3rp 90x15,5,2

Pull-up x6

Neutral grip chinx4

Reverse grip pull up x5

Bent db row 90x6,70x12

Fat man rowx 8

Hoist calf press 13x16,7,7
Man there’s no other food that’ll get me like pizza does. I think the wife was plotting against my diet. She literally never wants to eat it
Hamstrings were still sore and the weight was down from last time I did the movement but surprisingly looking over things the belt squat has gone up. I was pretty shot after 2 sets so I went a blasted a set of leg extensions to finish them off. I was not feeling it when I went in at all. I’m tired and my sleep was terrible and I’m feeling the low calories. This is one of those times I’m glad I trained through it.


Nebula lying leg curl 3rp 100x6,80x10,60x12

Belt squat 3ppsx12,2ppsx19

Body masters leg ext 55x22

I was dragging ass today. Feeling tired and weak. I’m starving.
Gonna stuff my face. Having Christmas dinner at my moms house. I didn’t even have the energy to go stop by a fast food place on the way home. Walked into the house chugged some eggwhites, ate a fig newton bar and a banana.

Shoulders arms

Db lat raise 35x7,32.5x10,25x18

Hammer curl 50x5,40x8,30x11

Nautilus tri extension 80x10,70x10,40x21

Quantum seated calf 220x15,6,7
Going to take another day off. My shoulder and neck were killing me the past 2 days because of how I slept. It’s finally feeling better today but I’m gonna give it another day or two just to be safe.
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