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My New training log !!!!! Says I need a longer title

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How’s the mtren on your stomach? I used 1mg injectable mtren a couples years ago pwo and after a couple weeks it destroyed mine
Started blast. 375/tren e, 375 mast e, 875 test e, 400 deca.
Today felt good. After the day yesterday of pounding food my energy levels were extremely high.
Haven’t done pull-ups or chin-ups in years but they were part of my original program years ago and I figure I’d add them in for a little extra focus on the biceps.
Calves are 1 set. 5 second negative, 15 second stretch to failure. It’s the DC calf routine.
Did 10 minutes cardio focusing on calves as well. Incline on highest setting speed on 3. Really focusing on getting on to the balls of my feet and flexing the calf.

Chest back

Power lift incline neutral grip seat on 4, 2pps+25x7,2ppsx10,1ppsx16

Underhand chin upsx5,3,1 rest pause

Flex Unilateral lat row 165x5,135x9,105x13

Quantum Seated Calves dc 140x7
Fine I prefer inject but I could see using both in future inject pwo then pills for second dose at work
Pre workout I had 50grams of glycerol and a lorissas kitchen blueberry, almond, chicken bar.

Post workout 2 cups of pasturized egg whites, 28gram of raisins and a banana, and 50grams of glycerol.
I did 5 grams glycerol today haha. I know the need for endurance is more but I just want some pump action with the citrulline and agmatine
Today was a pretty bad training session. Strength just wasn’t there. One of my wife’s many alarms woke me up at 5am and I couldn’t go back to sleep and then i had work. However I still got in my session and trained hard.
I had to lay under the hack squat for a good 5 minutes before I pulled myself.
Got home and the wife said I was walking like I got pegged 😂. Legs are cooked.

I’m hooked on the Blueberry, almond, chicken bars pwo.

Nebula lying leg curl 120x3,90x8,50x16
Star trac hack wide leg 3ppsx8,2ppsx10,1ppsx16
Legs are still pretty beat up from yesterday. It hurts to sit down.
Luckily today was easy and felt good. Cals are pretty low at this point so that means that carbs are low.
Weights and reps are up which was a little surprising because I did the most of the same exercises as 3 or 4 days ago.


DB lat raise 32.5x8,27.5x10,22.5x20

Hammer curl 45x10,37.5x11,27.5x16

Lying db tri ext 50x4,35x12,25x

Life fitness horizontal dc style calf 190x9
Good training session today. Had to change DB rows to chest supported because my lower back was aggravated.
Preworkout I had nuts n more salted caramel flavor and 200grams of banana.
I ran through this session pretty quick. My rest times shorter because my conditioning is better. I think I was about 30-45 seconds between each set and exercise

Chest back

DB bench 110x8,90x10,70x12

Medium grip mag body masters Pulldown


Chest supported Db row 90x2,60x10,30x15

Quantum Seated Calves 180x11,140x8
Got stuck at the bottom on the first set of belt squats but then everything after that was either more reps or more weights.
Legs were still kinda fucked from the last leg day and I thought about taking the day off but after watching Yates Blood and Guts and an old video of Phil Hernon training I decided to go train.
I am feeling a little worn down to be honest. Almost like a slight hangover but tomorrow is an easy day and then there a day off so I’ll push through. I’m recovering faster in between sets and the high rep sets aren’t getting me as winded. I switched out my usual nut butters and nuts for nuts n more spread and it’s feels a lot better on my stomach plus I like the macros more and it has whey in it so it’s a complete protein source.
I took the Greek yogurts out as an easy way to drop 200cals.

belt squats 4ppsx1,3ppsx12,2ppsx16
Power lift Reverse hyper pad on G, 70x10,50x8,bwx21
I’m pretty much toast. I’m gonna take a couple days off and recover. Training session went well but I’m just exhausted. I probably didn’t take enough time in my last deload/off days.


DB lat raise 32.5x10,27.5x12,25x17

Hammer curl 47.5x7,37.5x12,27.5x18

Lying db tri ext 50x5,35x15,32.5x14

Life fitness horizontal dc style calf 190x10
Off today. After going over everything I’m making changes.
I’m pulling the glycerol because I pretty sure it’s causing me stomach issues.
Here’s the plan:
Diet isnt going to change too crazy just lower calories and a couple changes here and there to start
Meal 1:
200 grams banana, 28 grams raisins, 2cups egg whites

Meal 2:
2tbsp nuts n more
2scoops protein isolate

Blue berry rx bar

Intra:2scoops huma pro

Meal 3:
8oz chicken breast
Honey crisp apple
375 grams pear

Meal 4:
2tbsp nuts n more
2scoops isolate

Meal 5:
2 cups eggwhites

Routine will change as well to full body everyday ala Phil Hernon (RIP)
1 set to failure. Taking days off as needed.
Squats 15-20 reps
Body weight exercises to failure
Other exercises 10-15 reps
Controlled but faster pace
DB Bench
Db side laterals
Bent dB row
Hammer curls
Reverse hyper
Belt squat
Day one of the full body went okay. Took about 15-20 minutes I think. The belt squat and reverse hypers were really the hardest part I was gasping for air and my lungs were burning.
I suck at pull-ups lol.
The rom is about 80% just pumping the weight controlled, no lock out and no stretch except for pull ups kind of like a piston. My knees, shoulders and lower back actually feel pretty good.
Warm up sets were minimal.
After I stretched everything for a good 15 minutes
DB Bench 100x12


Db side laterals 30x10

Pull-ups x3

Bent dB row 70x8

Hammer curls 40x10

Reverse hyper 70x12

Belt squat 2ppx20

Life fitness horizontal calf raise 230x9


Abductors nautical abductor 6px8
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Day 2 actually went easier than yesterday and faster which I weird because I didn’t sleep well at all last night and my legs were still pretty sore.
Might start toying around with different rep ranges each day.

Db bench 100x13


Db lat raise 27.5x19

Pull-ups x6

Db row 70x10

Hammer curls 40x10

Reverse hyper 75x10

Belt squat 2pps+10x16

Quantum seated calf 180x16


Nautilus abductor 6px8
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