New, an introduction, and...a question

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Hello. This is my first time posting - I have been training for a number of years but I have now undoubtedly plateaued (much to my frustration). That is why I am here. In short, I need to and want to soak up experience and guidance as a beginner. Should I do that here, by setting out my stats/goals, or is there a more appropriate part of the forum?

Thanks in advance. T.
Thanks. So, I am 30 years old. 180cm in height and weigh (and have for some time) around 77-78kg. I’m quite lean, rarely above 10% body fat. I tend to hit around 3000 calories a day principally through a combination of white meat, dairy (eggs), green vegetables and some grains (but gluten isn’t my best friend, so I have to careful). I’m certainly not in a calorie deficit.

My ideal would be to add another 10kg of muscle (an arbitrary figure, I know) but it is proving very difficult.

In terms of my training, I started as a total novice, transitioned to CrossFit, before shifting my focus to Calisthenics simply because I enjoyed it. The last year or so I have split this at least equally with weightlifting.

Any guidance on where I may want to start in assisting my goals would be very welcome.
Thanks all. Appreciate the warm welcome. To be unequivocal I should add that I would like to learn about putting together an initial cycle for a beginner (probably should have made that clear).
I started on TRT and then wanted to go all in. I researched for months before I found this place. And when I discovered that these guys are about harm reduction then I planted myself and became a member of this community. That was back in May. Since then I
Have went from 30 percent BF to 16 and gained 14 pounds muscle safely. Your in the right place bro!!!
I in the other hand think well as long as it’s not extremely dangerous I will go for it. But I’m a love on the edge kind of person if I’m not doing something illegal I’m not living hahaha
Nice, thanks for that. I am going to hang around and soak up the knowledge. Do you mind me asking what mg/cycle of TRT you started on? No worries if not.
Thanks. I would only want to do a short-cycle as a beginner - a couple of guys I have spoken to have started at 12 weeks. Would be interested to hear what people make of that.

Really appreciate this advice!
Welcome, you will find almost all of the information you’re looking for here, ask questions and learn…
I started with 10 week but corona hit and i cruised till my current cycle. Now I’m nearing end and pct is in my future
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