New, an introduction, and...a question

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Is there a reason you prefer calisthenics over traditional weight training? Putting on 10 lbs is no easy feat. Maybe more focus on weight training will help?
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I switched focus simply because I enjoyed it, but when I did that I wasn’t really focused on adding weight. Now I am, I have really shifted my focus back.
Hello again. So after lots of research, conversations and touching base with the awesome @Optumpharma I will be starting my first cycle this week. Both excited and a little bit nervous.
Hello all. 4 weeks into my first cycle and it is all going well - feeling good, feeling stronger and I am seeing results. It has been strange as after the first week we went into a national shutdown again, but luckily I have to close to my fully gym set up in my garage.

By far the strangest side-effect has been my sex-drive. Not felt like this since I was 16!
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