SB Labs

New member intro from fractured hip to powerlifter

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Hello, I am 20 years old 6’2" about 250lbs. Have done two gear cycles and cruised in between. First was test e 250 with 20mg dbol 1-4, 50mg dbol 10-12 for 1st powerlifting meet. 2nd cycle was test 750 deca 300mg, I liked that cycle. Started because I was an Enhanced Athlete fan boy taking there sarms for HS football. Then I fractured my hip my senior year and was in a wheelchair for 2 months. Used a lot of mk-677 that seemed to make healing faster. Now I am a powerlifter my current total is about 1600, but finishing cycle at end of month. Attempting 675lbs squat in wraps tomorrow. Thank you for reading and this site has taught me a lot. Also I am in pre-physcial therapy school.
Welcome bro. That’s a lot of weight especially for a 20 year old. Keep it up brother!!! This place will keep
You safe if your willing to follow the advice given. Stick with us.
I was arou c 1400 at that age but it was power clean not dl pre shoulder I was just below 1700 with my squat going up quick. Hope by end of deca cycle I’ll be at 1900
I mean 500 bench 500 squat almost 700 on dl. Squat will easily get to 600 in next year dl maybe around 760 and bench honestly just want healthy shoulder if we can get to 550 next year that would be great
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