Newbie here. first post and first cycle


Well-known member
wats up. im a newb to the site and gear. im 30 now. i lifted on and off in high school realy got serious around the age of twenty and tried a short cycle of sarms from a buddy. after that i loved hitting the gym. years later ended up in prison for a bit and used exercise as my escape. im obviously out now last couple months just felt like shit. got blood work and i just found out i need trt. i’ve been on the fence about gear but now the choice is obvious since i have to take test. i just made my first order online and am super excited. should have it by the end of the week. any help with test cycle is appreciated
Are you doing the trt through your doc, or did you just order the test from another source? I ask only to say, there are a lot of benefits to keeping a doc on hand, like cheap (or free in my case) and periodic labs, and prescription Arimidex.
yeah i go to the doctor but my first script was $60 for 4x1ml vials. he prescribed 300mg test c every two weeks. my insurance pays for everything but the test
Welcome aboard brotha and welcome home, I know that feeling. Generally speaking for your first cycle you should stick with test only. Test E or C would be a good choice around 400mg weekly. Also have some AI on hand for estro related sides. Personally I like aromasin but adex is a good choice as well. I would recommend getting bloods done before you start to see your baseline numbers, that way when you go for bloods during or after you can see where your at, especially your e2 , that way you can adjust your ai accordingly. Keep diet and training and check and you can have some amazing results for your first blast. Anyways good luck man if you have any questions about anything don’t hesitate to ask brotha. The only dumb question is the one that’s not asked.✌️
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my doc i go to is just a general practitioner. my blood came back with my test at 270. he had to look up wat is considered normal. wrote me a script for the gel but that shit was $300 and my insurance doesn’t cover hormone therapy so he switched it to the test c shots. i got the impression he had no idea about anything to do with hormones. didn’t prescribe me an AI or anything
that was my script but i ordered gear from a source i originally found on another forum. it was the only one with no minimum order. so i just picked it and then found its reviews on here (after i ordered) and am happy that it has good reviews here also. i ordered 3x test c250. and 1 test p
Yea that doesn’t sound right, but like @AlmightyGL mentioned it was his general practitioner and I can imagine he probably has zero insight on half life’s and blood plasma levels, at the very minimum one injection could suffice per week with Cyp but even then blood levels would be nowhere as stable as say twice a week. Unless he was to prescribe undeconoate than once every 2 weeks would be ok
so it would be best to split my dosage and do it every week? like 150 every week instead of the 300 every other week. my next blood test in the beginning of october. im gonna wait until after that to start my cycle of wat i ordered