SB Labs

NPP and crazy night sweats

I’ve been running 300mg NPP, 800Mg test cyp weekly and 50mg anadrol everyday, and have had no issues with night sweats lately, only other new thing I’ve taken other than prami is hgh.
Just came to this post looking for info from guys who’ve ran NNp recently. Thinking about my next cycle which I want too use to add some mass. Was thinking test/EQ/npp. How did you like it besides the night sweats?
Tpp =test prop? Never ran that before. Any difference between that an enenthate, I know it has a shorter ester and you get more of the actual hormone. U just do it for convenience? Or is there a benefit… I figured it would be a good 19-nor compound to start with in order to learn about how my body will handle the progesterone sides. Is that complicated?
Tpp is test phenylpropionate. It’s a middle
Length but heavy Ester.

NPP pairs well with test p. I did every other day injections to keep levels stable.

I had essentially no sides with NPP but I also ran it low. Have caber or prami on hand to combat sides. Get blood work done 4-6 weeks in to know for sure.