On TRT, placed an order for deca

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Welcome, so your doc put you on 200 a week and your friend upped it to 400 a week? I assume your going to mention that to your doc 400 mg a week is a high trt.
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And I’m not sure what you mean after the 6th day you got bloods from being on 200 a week??
@John I had blood work done at 200 MG a week. I was low again by the sixth day. I was lifting with a friend who mentioned he uses gear and said that he uses 500mg a week for 12 weeks then goes down back to 200mg. So that’s what I’m trying except I read splitting doses helps normalizes your levels so I pin 200mg twice a week. Yes I told my doctor and that it why I’m going for blood work this morning. I was also thinking of pinning lower doses every day with slin pins because I’ve read and seen on steroidcalc how it gets rid of troughs.
@John So the way I understand it is you are supposed to test your levels right before your next shot. So I would get blood work 6 days after my shot. Please correct me if this isn’t the right thing to do.
I do not do PCT since I am on a TRT program. PCT helps get you back to normal test levels naturally. But since you are on TRT you’re blasting then cruising. Blast up to 1900 or 2000 levels. Then step back down to “normal” levels. I really don’t go full blast like some running a gram of test. My blast goes from 200mg a week to 500mg a week. I run 500 for 12 weeks. 400 for 2 weeks. Last week down to 300. Then resume my 200mg. Off cycle. I split all dosing to Monday/Thursday and that keeps my levels constant. I ran TrenA recently. And did micro dosing 33mg every day. Some orals. (Proviron) but that’s about it. Oh. And Deca. Love deca. Makes my joints feel like gold. But run low dose for that.
@TBU this is actually really similar to what I’m doing minus the orals. As far as the deca is 100mg/week good? Or should I try 200mg/week after the first couple weeks on 100mg?
Yes but why would you automatically double your dose? I’m curious would the doc not give you more? I don’t know much about trt, but if your levels are that low, what we’re they before the doc gave you test, negatives?
@John So she only tested my Total testosterone levels. In the 1st test with without a prescription was 240 (range 250 - 840 ng/l) after I got up to 200mg per week my test showed 337 (range 250 - 840ng/dL). She said that she thought this was still in the lower range but her practice was not to prescribe more than 200mg per week. She never mentioned split dosing or anything. After I started lifting with my friend and he told me what he did to get the results he wanted that’s what I did. Now I gave blood today to find out more. I asked for more complete panel this time and I’ll post my results. Do you think I should have just split my prescribed dose for 100mg twice a week and had tests done?
I was prescribed 200mg/wk, I did the same thing, doubled my dose, told my doc about it and he took me off test, he told me that I was using in abusive manner.
Yes I do but, don’t take to much stock into what I give my opinion about, other stuff that has been said to you is better,and probably is worth more.
Of course she did. I hear a lot of guys say on here how expensive it is, but my father doesn’t pay much, he gets the pellets…and he’s bein dumb right now because he doesn’t have insurance at the moment and he’s way past being due for pellets, and I uhh offered my assistance and explained pinning himself and he’s like no fucking way
@John wow it’s surprising how many people won’t pin or take advice from people who have experience. I hope your dad can get what he needs. I don’t know if it helps but my insurance won’t cover my TRT so I use goodrx at frys and it drops the price a lot.

@McSwickles so once the doctor kicked you off did you continue on your own? Do they still help you with blood work. I’m worried that this may happen when I get my results Tuesday.
That sucks man, I started a business a couple years ago, we went almost a year without insurance, its fucked how that works
Yeah, I had been using gear for years prior, and was only on prescription trt for like 6 months. I’ve self administered trt at 125mg for a while now. My doc probably has a pretty good idea I use gear, but I don’t go through my doc for bloodwork. I get it done at one of the clinics.
If you’re on trt you should just go right back to your trt dose just as long as your estrogen is in range or close to in range so that you don’t have any gyno issues.
I look forward to it brother I also appreciate you bringing out the error of having that link where it was I was a little harsh on you yesterday but you were new and I didn’t trust what you were saying.

Thanks for pointing it out to me
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