SB Labs

Opening day of gun deer

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My daughter got her second one of the season about two hours ago . Now we have five total. I am happy for her. She now has one more than her cocky ass brother (also my son) but I am happy for her cause he has a big mouth lol.
@John @JB_rD81 @NeuroRN @Bigmurph
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Outfuckingstanding, I’m goin out mid winter bow this weekend, then our shotgun opens up again the 9th-16th so we will do some drives on those two Saturdays
There’s lots a good ones, I paid 300 for mines, a CenterPoint, my wife has a Barnett I bought her, more expensive then mine like 450, then there’s ones that are ridiculous like 1400, which is ridiculous
Im looking to spend upto 300 I was hoping I could get a good one for that price I didn’t know that they could get as expensive as a rifle
I don’t know much about crossbows. But I went out one day testing bows and I was ready to spend $1000 cause it’s a ten year investment or more. I tried Matthews and Hoyt and PSE and some others. The one that felt the best to me was a PSE Drive. And I can shoot the antler off a deer if I want with it. The best bow is what feels good to you just like gear. Not necessarily the most popular or most expensive. @Bigmurph
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Well I can set you up for either a buck or a doe. Buck will require more of your time. But a doe taste way better. Up to you brother.
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