Poppy’s Mesterolone and Methenolone Enanthate Cycle Along With Hormone Replacement

I don’t know either but I believe that you can change the button that takes the picture to your volume or screen button to help you do it with one hand.
Bench press day
All sets are done with 2 second eccentric half second pause and maximum force push. Not a dynamic method.
185 x 3 x 6 sets

Other upper boddy ancillary stuff.

Weight this am 202.4
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Todays intake

179g protein

116g carbs

Spent most of the day at service for mother in law. Wife and I are exhausted. Food intake was terrible.
She’s struggling a bit. Her mother had her at 16yo so they had a half sister half mom relationship. They were close. It was a big tado yesterday so the phone and Facebook is being burned up talking about people. Hahaha

Wifey has to clean out moms stuff now and she has a lot of stuff.
I lost my dad when I was 34, and one would think that was old enough that it wouldn’t rock my world, especially since he had been deathly ill for a number of years, but it sure as Hell did. I ran through the pain: Six miles a day, rain or shine, cold or warm. Was the only way I got through it.
Todays activities

Did some single leg high rep stuff…pumped lots of blood in legs.

15 min brisk walk with baby girl on her bike.
Guys, thanks for the condolences. It was a very nice service. Wifey is getting thru it.

My dad is 79-80… mom is 78. My mom’s sister, my aunt is 76… I’m very close with them so I’m going to have to deal with their passing sooner than later.