SB Labs

Poppy’s Mesterolone and Methenolone Enanthate Cycle Along With TRT

My personal opinion is it’s “ok”.

@anabolic_geek posted info of some folks mega dosing. I just can’t do that at my age.

Bang for my buck I would say I won’t run it again. It messed up my lipids (along with the prov). I’m in the heartastroke zone so precautions have to be taken. It was extremely pricey… I probably could have allocated my funds elsewhere.

Really truthfully I’m an old man so there’s just so much “gains” I’m going to experience. Toting around too much extra weight is no bueno for most older guys. I could probably live with 5 extra pounds so long as I lose some bf.

There’s also im way over pinning too. Craps getting old after decades of it…with 100mg/ml primo… I was pinning 4x a week on top of my trt. That actually might of been the last straw…

My next adventure very well could be tbol along with tightening up my diet a notch.
Todays training

Lats x a bunch

Delts x a bunch

Abs traps bis n tris

12 minute walk around the yard in this blasted steam oven weather
I’m trying not to turn into that bitter old guy that doesn’t like anything. My opinion is at my age with my issues… it better produce some BIG results if I’m going to risk my health/life.
Hahah I don’t think of you that way at all. I think you’re rational in your cost:benefit ratio, you’ve had your health problems and maximizing longevity has taken the driver seat. Which is appropriate. It’s a about having realistic expectations. Unfortunately sometimes you gotta test your expectations and they don’t live up. Ex: primo. I think TBOL will do good stuff for ya. Maybe look into subQ glutathione with it to keep lipids balanced.
I’m coming up on 4 months since last blood donation. Missed it before.

I don’t know if it’s all in my head but I can tell the difference. I feel lethargic like… less energy. I have a donation coming up in a couple of weeks. Can’t wait.
I have definitely been able to tell when it was time for a donation. It’s almost like you can feel your blood pumping thicker.
@John they were jamming on pandora today
