Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Sep 7, 2021 #141 Todays training Evil 8 circuit Abs neck Walk for 15 minutes Much rolling on pipe and baseball Last edited: Sep 7, 2021
Dirtnasty Bulk Tablets Rep - 500 lb Bench 700 lb squat club. Rep VIP Sep 8, 2021 #143 Kind of like urban sprawl
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Sep 8, 2021 #145 Todays lower is same as Monday… pump fluids into joints and muscles. Light belt squat sets of 16… 5 or 6 Calves and abs between. 10 min walk afterwards
Todays lower is same as Monday… pump fluids into joints and muscles. Light belt squat sets of 16… 5 or 6 Calves and abs between. 10 min walk afterwards
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Sep 10, 2021 #146 Todays activities Mucho work around here prepping for party 8 mins on treadmill 4… yes count em 1 2 3 4 Oreos today. Carbs at 147
Todays activities Mucho work around here prepping for party 8 mins on treadmill 4… yes count em 1 2 3 4 Oreos today. Carbs at 147
Rusty VIP Sep 10, 2021 #149 I. I couldn’t ready stop at 4. I would continue for 8. With a big ass glass of ice cold milk.
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Sep 10, 2021 #151 I like dunking my Oreos in milk or coffee… I can eat a whole bag with a cup of coffee. As the big man @TBU said yesterday…portion control. Although I don’t like it, I gotta do it.
I like dunking my Oreos in milk or coffee… I can eat a whole bag with a cup of coffee. As the big man @TBU said yesterday…portion control. Although I don’t like it, I gotta do it.
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Sep 10, 2021 #152 Todays training Last day of no barbell no heavyish weight kinda deload Like earlier this week fluff n buff pump juice into muscles and joints. Blast strap push-ups x some Delts traps abs calves Walk around yard looking at fire ant hills and dog poop Last edited: Sep 10, 2021
Todays training Last day of no barbell no heavyish weight kinda deload Like earlier this week fluff n buff pump juice into muscles and joints. Blast strap push-ups x some Delts traps abs calves Walk around yard looking at fire ant hills and dog poop
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Sep 10, 2021 #153 My gyms air conditioning (aka fan) broke this week.
JLee Regular VIP Sep 10, 2021 #154 I hope your replacing that soon. A gym with no air movement sucks. Stagnant and stinky lol
Dirtnasty Bulk Tablets Rep - 500 lb Bench 700 lb squat club. Rep VIP Sep 10, 2021 #156 Sucks when you use your number one fan.
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Sep 13, 2021 #159 Todays training Much heavy lat training sets of 10-14 all planes. Much bis n tris super set x bunch Calves n abs between Shoulder prehab with face pulls to end. One of my all time favs @John
Todays training Much heavy lat training sets of 10-14 all planes. Much bis n tris super set x bunch Calves n abs between Shoulder prehab with face pulls to end. One of my all time favs @John
Poppy U.S.M.C. VET Staff member VIP Military Vet Sep 13, 2021 #160 Oh pwo was leftover giant cupcake. I’m sweating frosting after this weekend.