SB Labs

Proper Cutting & Depleting

How old are you? You look young with your muscle. That’s not a put-down, you have everything just in a middleweight 5’6 physique. I think you said 80kg and 66 inches 2 weeks out? You have too pose, pose, pose. You have an excellent canvas, man I wish I could help but your taking not much gear and anything is do would be a year or two away, but if you get to about 169(just as an example) and it’s Wednesday for a Friday weigh in that would be ideal. You’ll probably be at a very high caliber if you widen the back, your thick and look like a mini JJ already. Remember too put the weight on that ham and play around with going low on the side chest. Keep that leg held against the back one and you side chest might look even better. From the front, hopefully you’ll serratus and obliques will pop more bringing the attention to the midsection, try vacuum and also flexing your abs , not as deep as deep as an an and thigh but try flexing. I’ll tell you what, I don’t know what show but I can’t wait to see you as a top-of-the-class light heavy. Struggling to make 198! Be careful with the last days, remember you can always get a little more"risky" but you can’t undo. Side note, I was always in favor of keeping some water in and if it needed to come off then there’s ways to go. Thanks for posting keep us informed, keep doing the plan or listening to who you were listening to. Pose, pose pose lean back on that back double. This is an NPC national Qualifer? In October? I think the only show is the nationals with the messed up schedule. I have a feeling unless this is some show that is total last chance to qualify for nats. Keep pushing and you will take your class…RNMUSCLE stamp of approval.
This was extremely kind of you my brother.

Im 36 October 10th, been lifting since I was 13.

Started getting serious around 26 when I got out of Marines. If I can master the depletion process I truly think one day in the future that I can be a champion.

Im 5’6 bro, I feel like 180-185lbs is perfect stage weight. I was 183lbs and since cutting I’ve dropped down to 174lbs as of this morning before breakfast.

My posing does need work…

When posing I try to talk to myself and say things like deep breath, blow and hold.

Then there is open Latts, tighten glutes, lean back with any rear pose.

Im also using Old School Labs Thermogenic with Niacin Flush in there for vascularity.

I don’t know if this thermogenenic is strong enough as far as what I need. (Old School Labs)

This is also something I’ve always wanted to do. As far as competing and earning an actual IFBB Pro Card, I feel like today its not as big as it used to be but to me earning that would be an honor.

Just to be able to compete with the greatest physiques on earth and say I stood toe to toe with them.

Being that I’m 36 I feel like my window is slowly closing, so my ass needs to close in on this Pro-Card.

The show is the 25th of this month, and it is a National Qualifier.
No just wk 1-8 Tren 100mg at half CC,

With Anavar at wk 4-8 25mg per.

Then at the end I’ll have Clomid for PCT.

I don’t use Test because of the water retention it causes. Also when I do utilize Tren I use it at a very low dosage to mitigate sides.

As of now I have no sides when using Tren for 8 weeks. Anything longer and I have a few sides.

LOTS of athletes see Tren as a garbage substance because it’s so harsh on the endocrine system.

After experimentation I got it to a point where I can definitely see results in a positive way.

If I do utilize Test and Tren together with Anavar, I can put on a solid 26lbs and keep about 18-20lbs of it after PCT is all said and done.

This is at a rate of about 26-3000 calories per day.

^*that’s 3600-4000 calories per day which is still pretty low.


I’m getting dryer and sunken face has definitely commenced.

Really happy to finally see the hammies coming in and the glutes are a lot tighter.

At one point back in 2019 I was 196lbs and a freak accident happened and I dropped 250lbs on my chest during flat bench and broke my 6th & 7th ribs on the left side.

Since then I haven’t been able to get the weight back on and I know a good majority of it is due to my caloric intake.

My body responds well and I can put on a lot of solid muscle with Tren and Anavar on a longer 12-16 week cycle with good caloric intake.

The issue for me is the sides are harder to deal with when the cycle is for a longer duration.

This is why I like to use Tren in smaller dosages for shorter cycles like no more than 8 weeks. Then again this is juts my anecdotal experience from last usage.











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These pics are from the last show I did April of this year.

It was only 3 middleweights and I got 3rd out of 3.

Wasn’t dry enough, and posing was bad.

I’m hoping to capitalize on the mistakes I made last show.

I find myself looking back at these pics and pondering If what I have now is better than what I displayed back then.


Hope everyone had a good Sunday, rest easy warriors!

Semper Kill

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