SB Labs

Proper Cutting & Depleting

How we doing lifting family!!!

I wanted to update and show what I look like 4 days after competition.

(Water coming back slowly, not as ripped or striated, but still there nonetheless)




** 1st off I weighed in at 168lbs

** I stepped on stage at 170lbs.

2 days later I was 181lbs and today I sit at 180lbs.


I’ve been eating about the same besides banana pudding and adding cereal, fruit and sodium back in the mix.

** Pee is still a deep yellow so I know I need to pound more water.

I feel good though… I don’t feel bloated or sluggish and the blood to the head is starting to go away when I bend over or tie shoes as we wrap this cycle up. I actually go get blood checked in 2 weeks.





Gonna digress for 2 seconds

So during Blake Griffins rookie season, his coach said to him he’s gonna be a great player but he has to want it more. Just being in the NBA and being a rookie sensation, isn’t good enough nor is that going to get it done in this league.

He then looked Blake in the eyes and said if you truly want to make it in the NBA, you have to fall in love with the process of becoming great.





Lifting family… Are we truly in love with the process of becoming great???

For me it’s more-so a love-hate relationship, kinda like when @DirtyDaver and I were in the Marine Corps. There were times when we absolutely loved it, and there were times when we absolutely hated it.
(May we remember…hate is a passion that is of equal interest to love)

At the end of the day though you train with passion and intelligence that way when the time comes you react simply on muscle memory.

I HATE the stair-master but cant deny the fact that it garners wonderful results if used properly.

Hope you all are training hard, safe and with passion.

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I completely agree personally. I love the whole process of dialing in training and striving for goals and mini goals. It’s addicting to me.

BUT I hate it too! Hahaha dieting cardio sucks! Extended training sessions sucks… that’s anything over 10 minites for me haha.

But I gotta do it!!!
I agree but I’ve always done everything myself like most of us older guys. But, is meet " top minds" in the sport and pick their brain. I love the challenge. But I can see why competitors want to blindly follow a coach too. Bbers have those clown or funhouse mirrors that they look great in, you need an honest friend to tell you if your dialing it in or a pig. Then we fix it with more " supplement" JK…Can you see sending pics in the mail to get updates! But, there were enough guys in the big gyms to help out. I never trusted anyone because I always thought, I’m not far off from them why do they want to help. Same with gear…i always thought I was getting bunk!
You got a watch and a ring! And the 5 dollar trophy!!! You just made half of what I did killing overalls and having a couple small, really small articles in the magrags! Awesome, in Hawaii, and a couple states they had none NPC or AAU shows and non Uspf or APF or I guess ADFPA and others with powerlifting. The used to give prizes like rebuilt HARLEY for overall, tickets to Vegas, tickets to the Olympia. Which is big prizes coming from Hawaii. But, is love to see shows sanctioned or not give one or two big prizes away. You are lucky, there are a few swords out there!!!
They had no master or 35 and up overall? That’s weird. Yeh, always throw your hat in the bag in open and masters. Even the USA, I think this year only had 2 middle or WW, you look really good in the after most muscular in the kitchen with the trophy…frame that one with all you winnings. or you cut that out but that’s a thick most muscular for middle wight. Take it slow, in 2 years you might be well into the lighthvys, matters how aggressive you are. You don’t have to be 230 to make 198. And a shredded 188 can win local and regional shows, even possible a national show at light heavy.