SB Labs

Pulsing orals adrol is popular 2 on 2 off what about others?


So im looking into my next cycle and I want to run tbol a different way then usual I have ran adrol in a pulse 2wks on 2wks off during a cycle before and it lasts basically your entire cycle and it really puts on size just really have to watch your blood work.
Im looking to actually either run first 6wks tbol 50mg then last 6wks tbol 50mg.
The other way I was looking at running it was 2wks on 2wks off for the entire 20wks. That would be 10wks on tbol but with a 2wk break every 2wks due you guys think that its enough time? I believe so because its alot less toxic than adrol.
Do you guys believe that this will really mess up my levels across the board? I know that it will throw them off but do you believe that its something that I shouldn’t try?
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Idk have any experience running Tbol but I’m here bc I’m excited to hear what people have to say about this! If you’ve read any of my posts lately, you know I want to give Tbol a go too. Loved Dbol but just can’t stand the sides that came with it. Someone posted about Tbol & Dbol being similar, might have been you, and I did my own research, they are & they’re not. But what I did gather is Tbol will bring me a tiny bit closer to that of Dbol with less sides. You’ll be able to hold on to more of the gains than Dbol bc of less water ret. I’m sure you know. Also Tbol apparently starts to lose some of its effect around the 5-6 week mark, as well as sides being minimal/controllable. With my minimum knowledge I’d say do the split 6 break 6. However it goes I hope the Tbol is awesome for ya!
I wouldn’t do the 2 on 2 weeks off, Tbol really starts to ramp up after 2 weeks & week 3,4,& 5 are supposed to be real good!
This is a great read about tbol and dbol. There completely different compounds so the way they work plus the side effects are so far apart.
Tbol is just like dbol? I don't think so Steroid Cycles and Discussion
So when I first started running aas I loved dbol great compound always gave me great gains. But then I started a cycle one day and my bp started to sky rocket so I dropped the dbol. I also was only running 30mg a day so I wasn’t going crazy. So I started doing alot of research on all the other orals and it fell between tbol winny and var because all 3 really have no bad sides on bp. So I kept being told by everyone that tbol is just like dbol just no bloat so I figured its my best bet. They wer…
Baby dbol I remember it had some hella bicep cramps w it i definitely is toxic but barley compared to others makes you hard as steel everywhere…well it did me anyways
I LOVE ABOMBS!! You know that! 😉. For me it would fuck up my day. I can’t run that without blowing up my BP. So I guess I’d have to ask, what is the normal effect on you with ABOMBS? That’s where I’d start. And 20 weeks that 10 are on? IDK brother. I’ve never ran them longer than 5 weeks tops.
Darn it darn it darn it so hard to be patient. I’m trying to enjoy the cycle I’m in right now without thinking of the Tbol possibilities.
Your levels are gonna be all over the place brotha, I would most definitely stick with first 6 on and last 6 on. The only reason I see to do 2 on and 2 off is if your running something highly toxic, but in your case tbol is a fairly mild AAS and I feel like you would get way more outta the compound this way. Another alternative I usually do Is start off full dosage and in the middle of your run bring down the the dosage just to maintenance levels to keep the drug in your blood and then bump back up towards the end brotha.
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Those are good ideas im looking to try to stay on as long as possible without ending up with jaundice.
I should honestly not play around and just hit test and proviron. Still in the future just playing with ideas right now appreciate the ideas
I can’t run abombs because of bp but I was thinking about playing around with tbol 2wks on 2wks off im looking to try and run it long but I think I should just use test and proviron. Let the testosterone do the work.
Abombs are great though lol
personally i would run the first 6 last 6 but the idea of pulsing them sounds interesting enough that i might would try it in the future, as i have pulsed a couple different orals in the past with good results
I like the idea of two weeks on two weeks off Monitor your BP for upwards trends three to four weeks with any oral these days is all I want at once if your anything like me your body let’s you know when it’s had enough I can feel it I just don’t feel as good and I know that ls the old liver and kidneys saying time out no drinking or anything that adds to the toxicity tbol is a nice choice for old goats like yourself 😀
Oh. I’m a dummy. I read it as you were doing ABOMBS… TBOL, I don’t think id run that as long either. Provirion I would. I have absolutely zero sides with proviron.
Alright see this is what I was thinking especially with tbol not being as toxic.
I would run
20wks testosterone enanthate 500wk
Proviron 50mg ed 20wks

First option
From this point im leaning towards this pulse of tbol 2wks on 2wks off at 50mg or

Second option
200mg decca a wk for the first 12wks this way I can get a boost from a nor19 I want to go long this time around so im going for long esters instead of using npp which I normally would use and it still is an option but it doesn’t fit my goals.

There are other options also im thinking about I don’t want to run primo again until after another big bulk and then cruise into a primo cycle after the first and lean out a bit I always carry weight.
I don’t go for 10% bf its just not my style but I don’t like to be over 20%bf either I just have to keep it in check because im a big eater.

Appreciate the help brother
Outlawthing said:
if your anything like me your body let’s you know when it’s had enough I can feel it I just don’t feel as good and I know that ls the old liver and kidneys saying time out no drinking or anything that adds to the toxicity tbol is a nice choice for old goats like yourself 😀
This is exactly it im an old goat and tbol is a great compound for me I actually get really good results from it and it doesn’t effect my bp.
I actually don’t ever drink alcohol I did when I was younger but I really never enjoyed alcohol. I vape thc and that’s all I need it actually helps with my sleep and ability to eat. I can also smoke certain strains that are like pwo. Its crazy how some of these sativa strains can get you moving.

Listening to your body is so important im glad that you brought that up brother
Oh yeah if im going to run a cycle proviron will be in it unless its a mast or primo cycle.
Im still in the planning process so alot of time left.
I want to include a nor19 but I might do it on the second run.
This is going to be a big decision which way I go because my goals are mass but I don’t need to add any bf im looking to run what would be a cut diet with high protein. Possibly I should reconsider a test npp mast run this I would run the tbol and proviron with also hmmm