SB Labs

Quick question fellas

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I’m no pro but 2600 calories at 197 seems light if you want grow. If you’re maintaining then it may be close. With your physique I’d think you can see any weight gain from fat pretty quick. I’m 6’ 188 today and I’ve been pretty stable at 190 I can see the 2# missing and I carry a bit more fat than I want. But I also noticed when I was bulking at 3400 calories I was losing fat and my lifts were more intense. My point is this is a marathon not sprint so are some more protien/carb based snacks and see how it effects you w/o and appearance if you get too light on carbs you’ll be tired and yawning while driving like you were behind the wheel for hours… snacks are key. Keeps the metabolism up and kik other guys said helps spread the protein intake to improve its uptake.
Yeah I’m just trying to get my abs to pop right now before Halloween . Lowest I’ve been is 185. But I’ve put on some good muscle since then I believe. And my body looks a lot better then it did before.
I’m doing one last cut right now and I don’t really notice that much when I don’t eat carbs. It’s probably cause I’m always on the go and doing something.
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I bought a heated lunchbox that keeps my food hot or can heat it up to 200 degrees and that’s the only way I can get my macros in. I’m literally on the road 10 hours a day so I bring all my food in a cooler and heat it up in the box. Maybe look into that so you can get quality food wherever you are. That lunchbox is the size of a normal one and it’s battery powered.
This is actually the ideal weight loss goal a week. Remember one macro type isn’t inherently more fattening than the others. The important thing is that you’re in a deficit.

It’s just going to take time buddy. You’re still losing 1lb a week which is great. You’re probably not leaving any gains on the table since you’re in a deficit.

Keep up the good work buddy.
For me I had to be more active than the low carb intake could handle. Meaning, I was eating some carbs but a lower amount than the program I was on. It did take a couple weeks or more for the “feeling of exhaustion” to kick in. My system couldn’t convert fat to energy as fast as it needed it leaving me depleted. Everyone is different. But I drove a lot and was feeling like I had been driving 5 hours at night at an hour into a drive in the morning. A stick of gum made me feel normal for about 10 minutes. The point is it effects us all differently but 1. Zero carbs or super low carbs is not easily sustainable as a diet. 2. Bounce back is ugly when the diet ends 3. Eventually your system will adjust and then hoard every carb calorie as fat because it feels starved … but let me punctuate this whole comment with… this has been my experience and when I was advised to increase carbs a little the sleepiness ended. Like throwing a light switch. If you’re not competing, know your macros and understand your micros and stay close to them… and live a little. Otherwise the unhappy athlete becomes the unhappy couch potato


These are like a dollar each and come in many different flavors
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