SB Labs

Road to Two and Quarter. 1 Goal: Bench Four Plates

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Putting up 225 pretty consistently now!

Hahaha. Ya I here you on the muffin top shit. It’s the hardest thing to get rid of. That and back fat. Just keep kicking ass brother. I’ve found the best way to keep fat off is to grow and maintain more muscle mass. Working them legs and back and chest. Making the bigger muscles the focus. Arm muscles are important too. Primarily triceps. But for fat loss your gonna make your biggest gains on the bigger muscle groups. It’s taken me just short of a year to go from fat ass to starting to show abs. But still have them damned love handles sticking around. I am gonna get some Helios and try that out. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Helios Data.
Started that today. For those interested in progress on that compound.
Day 1.
Waist: 43 inches
Weight: 210.6 lbs.
Dosage: 0.25ml x 1 (Just 1 pin to observe reaction)
Jabbed the belly fat bottom left of navel. Helios is very watery, runs right out of pin. Be careful there.

I’ve done Helios off and on over the past few weeks. Given that it is primarily injectable clen (mine is dosed at 40mcg/ml), if I inject a ML into each honey handle, it sends me into orbit, which is not an altogether bad thing, but I have to watch systolic BP. Touched 147/70 the other day right after Helios injection. But using EOD or E3D with ephedrine HCL on the other days does give good results. I’ve been increasing my intake pretty significantly while on a ment/test/mast cycle, but with the Helios/ephedrine, I’ve continued to drop weight. The Helios does seem to have site-specific effect, which is awesome.
01 JUN 21
Helios Data.
I noted that .5 ML is the max I can take in a day. On day 4 I tried .5ml in the morning (that was fine) and .5ml in the early evening. Made my hands shake and heart beat too fast. My optimum is .5ml in the morning time and I am good for the day. Fingers get a little twitchy but BP is good and resting heart rate is around 90bpm (a little high but it is a stimulant).

Starting to get tummy lumps.

Day 8.
Waist: 41 inches
Weight: 206.8
Dosage: taking break. 1 week on 1 week off. I have been alternating injection sites all around the waist.

10 JUN 21
Helios Data
I took last week off and resumed Sunday. Will continue with 1 week on 1 week off protocol.
Still .5 ML per day. Starting to build some tolerance too it. Hands do not shake real bad… Learned to avoid coffee or any other caffeine as that exacerbates the effects.

Day 15.
Waist: 40 inches
Weight: 205.6
Dosage: .5 ML varying pin sights from rear love handles to front stomach. Rotating between 4 general problem areas.
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Yes! All in all I would say that Helios does live up to expectations. Myth Confirmed! I have the raw data (above) to substantiate.

One thing I might add is that Helios does suppress your appetite; at least for me it does. I think that is the yohimbine in it. Hard to say, but I don’t get any food cravings or that intense hungry feeling when I am on it.
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The yohimbe makes me nervous to try cause I’m not the f
Biggest fan of it. Then again I may have ingested to much trying out one
Of the products they make at work. That is basically that and caffeine
A little bit of that stuff goes a long way. Any more than .5 ML in one day makes me twitch!
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