SB Labs

Road to Two and Quarter. 1 Goal: Bench Four Plates

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You can do this. How many times? Just once for max 1 rep pr or set 3 or what?
I want to see how many I can rep out at 4 plates. I have a feeling that when I get it up an down once, I can probably rep it a few times. Let’s see!
I’m not sure how much you know about this sort of training. Training the cns along with your musculature strength will aid greatly.

@JB_rD81 will chime in.
If you are training for 1 rep max cut out the sets of 12-15 to start.
Warmup shoulders and chest
Set 1- empty bar x10
Set2- 135 x5
Set 3- 155x5
Set 4,5,6 185x5 add 5lb if easy
The warmer your muscles are the stronger they will be. Make small jumps in weight not 50lb from set to set. Example if I bench I start empty bar,135,185,225,245,275 will be my first working set
I’m currently been doing 531 model for building strength plan next week is to do 5 pps to finally get 500 I’m guess I’ll go higher but first things first. Also yes always make
Sure you get nice and warmed up I’ve been. Hitting a lot of lower wwirghjgts higher reps to get the blood flow I had injury that didn’t allow me
To bench for 4
Months this past year
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Yeah because I had a few shitty weeks of working out in row I’m probably goi got to my 31531 then deliad this go round.
First style program
I ever used bigger faster stronger. Never looked at the 3x10 week as deload. Just as the week we hated doing squats the most. Hahah
@Fred, like @Kad1 said, if you’re training for a 1RM, drop all the reps, it’s pointless. You can still achieve volume through heavier weights and lower reps, which in turn will build strength, it’s the basis of Westside/Conjugate training, which gave birth to about 98% of all other training methods…
You want 4 plates. Cut the reps no more than sets of 3 heavy heavy boards bands chains floor presses what is your diet like you need to eat lots of food to stay strong and recover food =fuel what’s your current max for 1 rep and your weight
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