SB Labs

Rusty’s pre cycle prep

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I agree. John is a great man and just cracks me up BUT I also would like to be a part of keeping this site what is.

Daughter wanted to go swimming in Lake Michigan today. We went for it wasn’t expecting there to be floating ice near shore. Water temps 32. I didn’t make it all the way in before my bones in my calf started to feel like they were being squeezed in a vice. So I pussied out Daughter didn’t make it all the way either. I told her we aren’t supposed to do this sober. Hahahaha. Then we ran back to the truck. That was my training today. Lol


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Good ole Lake Michigan! I haven’t seen that in forever. My sis and her husband camp on Michigan side often during summer. She sends beautiful pics. Dont blame you…that aint pussn out…thats cold stuff.
Last January we went in all the way the water was 42. I was shocked how much colder it feels by only 10 degrees. I love that lake. Keeps our winters more mild and our summers cooler
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