SB Labs

Rusty’s updates from advice taken

I like the t3 but I also do things I probably shouldn’t. T3 helps with shitting more often which means mor ohone breaks hahah
I think most would tell you to stay away from it unless you are competing or paid for the way you look. Messing with your thyroid isn’t something that should be taken lightly.

At 4000 calories you are in surplus. It will be difficult to lose body fat in a caloric surplus anyway. I would say do a serious cut, staying in caloric deficit for 8-12 weeks before opting for T3.
I really appreciate using you as a source bro. That’s what I wanted to hear. Makes it easy for me to put the idea behind me and move on. Should I wait for my Tren cycle to be finished before I go in a deficit. Or should I start now. It would be easy to do a deficit while on Tren. I have to force myself to eat often. Last night with the cheesecake was an anomaly. Usually I don’t get cravings with the Tren thing. I do find it easier to consume carbs while on Tren though.
This is my first experience with tren as well… but most people lose fat while on tren so I would say it would be a great time to go into deficit. I think most would agree tren makes for an excellent cutting compound.
I’m the biggest ive ever been right now, tren test, starting mast this week, and tbol. I think tren can do both, at least from what I’ve read.

I’ll be going into a deficit soon as well… but I’m tempted to wait until I hit 240. Just to say I hit 240.
At gym now. Feel like hitting wall again. Getting exhausted after every set. I read B12 injections have a half life of six days. So I hardly have the amount in my body that I will have next week. It was weird though yesterday I felt great and had only taken the B12 the day before. Took one this morning as well. Oh well I’ll tough through it and wait for the full affect.
Adjusting back and chest workout based on information I read in Men’s Health.

Pec flys half the weight. 12 reps. Real slow 4 seconds to center pause 2 seconds return slowly but not quite all the way then repeat. Gives constant resistance. Pecs were on fire

Bent over barbell rows 155. Pull up fast hold 2 seconds return slowly but not all the way so no rest. 10 reps per set

Close grip Dumbbell squeeze press. 60 pounds. Fire up squeeze at top return slow pause fire up repeat. 12 times

Pendley rows normal 155 10 reps

Incline dumbbell press same routine as close grip squeeze

Dual handle lat pull down 120. Pull down slow hold 2 seconds return slow no pause constant resistance 10 reps

Dual handle rows same as lay pulll downs 10 reps

Dips. 10 or fail no help

3 sets of each of these. I need to take long breaks between sets cause they exhaust me so makes for about 2.5 hour work out.

This kicked my ass today!!! Loved it

@Dirtnasty @Outlawthing. You guys been giving me help with bench goals. What do you think.

I do the JM presses on tricep days
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Added a new tool
Today to my goals. It’s called my fitness pal. I can customize it by weight loss or gain and what percent of my calories I want for proteien carbs and fats each day. It is real easy to use and I think it will help me to stay in a deficit from now until the end of my cycle. And help me maintain things while off cycle.

@NeuroRN @Anabisi @Outlawthing @Thunder @Bigmurph @Dirtnasty. I’d share with @John but he don’t need it lol.


This is a great tool I noticed that your highest carbohydrate food is a protein shake dump that shit if you’re still trying to lean up and you can replace it with something that might actually be better off for you.
If the way things are is good I believe in don’t fix it unless its broken

Good luck and good gains brother
That’s the day to do them may do them tonight if I decide tris and his over back and dead’s. It all depends on how legs feel after work. Got my knee yesterday and it’s stil bothering me
Ok. So to end this log here are my latest stats

Today I tried doing pull-ups unassisted for the first time in over ten years. I did 5. 3 all the way and last two 3/4 way. I was surprised I could do one. Then tried underhanded and exact same results.

Winging the beginning weights I know I am close

My bench sets are up to 235 from 200 2 months ago. 145 beginning

Deadlift sets up to 300 from 250 one month ago 185 beginning

Squat sets up to 265 from 225 six weeks ago 165 beginning

I can do 5 sets of 10 of dips unassisted. 2 months ago needed assistance for all of them.

Back in June I didn’t even attempt dumbbell presses now am doing 110s

Maxing out most machines on strength days
These are easier on my joints

I am making massive strength gains at least for me!!!

Shoulders and knees and hips have almost all fully recovered from old injuries I did acquire a new injury being tendinitis of the elbow.

All this on @Optumpharma gear and cycle advice

Thanks for all the support and solid advice @NeuroRN @Dirtnasty @BigSwole69 @TG @Ominous @Bigmurph @Thunder @Outlawthing @Optumpharma @John @vetso @GillyTheKid @Anabisi @everyone else. So hard to remember all the names when it comes time to give shout outs. Always been bad with names.

I am going to take some time off and cruise for a couple few weeks To get my body ready for the next cycle that I won from @LaserPharm. Heard lots of good thing about his gear. I am excited to start that one. Wish I could do it right away but gonna see what blood work says.

Maybe now that I’m off the Tren I can get into some cardio while I wait!
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