Well I was on vacation all week so my diet wasn’t super great wasn’t super bad either and my lifting was pretty minimal specially with this bitch ass estrogen No alcohol though maybe that was it
Some people argue you can’t over train soMe argue you can. I personally believe that rest is needed to grow. How much is dependent on the person and how you feel if you feel like you need rest then rest we always took the week before a meet off to rest I know when I get run down feeling and take a break I am much srronger
I think I just gained the 8 pounds back. Just woke up had a little fun with the wife. Went to the fridge and saw a Costco cheese cake. I figured he’ll it has eggs and cheese (that’s plenty of protein). Grabbed the jug of milk and sat down and ate a pound of friggin cheese cake. Hahahahahaha. Now back to bed
I’ve gained some weight this past week beer and Arby’s for the win. Will get diet back in check now that I have regular hours and I’m adding some cardio back to routine sad face
In light of your confession of eating a lb of
Cheesecake I have to ask, is. Your diet usually in check? Bc t3 is a powerful thing and there no point in messing with it if you’re still eating like shit.
Hahahahaha. Ya normally. I usually don’t eat more than 4000 calories per day. And I do consume a fair amount of protein. I even purchased some of the egg white cartons from Costco We talked about that previously. Easy quick protein. My weight is 245 and my lean mass is 204. Bf 17%
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