SB Labs

Rusty’s updates from advice taken

When you are on testosterone woman are more attracted to you definitely its like phermones or whatever I worked at a job for 4 years the girls new I had a wife so no one was really flirting started my cycle and it went way beyond sexual harassment towards me. I definitely believe that its just natural selection woman choosing a strong partner to breed out the stupid it just hasn’t happened yet lol
I did take them up on the offer, numerous times!

It was a larger city I delivered in before going into management, so the opportunities were a lot more!
Holy shit!!! Never thought of the whole test thing and natural selection. That makes sense. @Bigmurph. Also the gas station clerk was a 9 and she kept looking at my wedding ring. Never thought a fat old man would have that affect. @BigSwole69. Hahahaha. Made me horny as hell the old lady gonna have fun tonight.
It doesn’t matter if she’s a 10 brother confidence is all it takes she doesn’t know that she’s a 9 and she might think your a 10.
The wedding ring definitely is a deal breaker most of the time lol
A smile and make em laugh, seals the deal everytime!

I also did ballroom dancing, did competitions and stuff then, women love a man who can dance, it sure got me a lot of tail!
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Back when I got my ex divorced me five years ago I was in good shape. Lots of younger women said they thought 39 was a good age. Not 18 but like late twenties early 30s. They said to me guys their age were a lot of work. To much ego yet. I think they like the guys older cause they have already been through the ego self serving years and are much more settled down. Still have gold diggers out there but they ain’t looking for me lol.