SB Labs

Rusty’s updates from advice taken

6 foot 5 I bet you got some big hands and feet too huh? You know it calculates that big ole Wang as fat. So make sure to adjust for that stay safe too man get a bat be like walking y’all if that don’t work a small tactical rifle
Hahaha ya. If I was 6’5” my ffmi wouldn’t be 25. It’s 6’ half inch. “.5”. I have to add the half inch cause I used to be 6’1’ before age and gravity took over. Hahahahaha.
Don’t know what your routine is @John but mine wouldn’t be so hard if I didn’t let myself go to hell over past few years. Lots to make up for. Hoping it’ll get easier once I reach my first goal. Plus @Bigmurph has me at 400 grams protein per day so in order to achieve that I have absolutely no room for anything else. Just keeping up the proteins at that rate has my stomach full all day 🤣

Thanks for the encouragement guys.
Squat this week up another five pounds on last set bench up ten pounds on last set prone curls up ten pounds hip abducter up ten pounds both inside and outside leg extension and leg press maxed out so just doing more reps. Also lost three pounds since last week so at 242. Lovin it. So glad you all motivated me into hitting the gym hard and diet. I never would have thought this was possible. @John @Bigmurph @Sig516 @McSwickles @BigSwole69. You guys all motivated me in the beginning. Hats off brothers
Hell yeah man. Going down in size and going up in weight. That’s tough as shit to do and you’re doing great! Keep pushing that sexy ass and drilling that wife’s ass!!!
@BigSwole69 I expect nothing less coming from your perverted ass lmao. @Dirtnasty I sleep with a married woman all the time. My wife lol hahahahaha.

If I can make gains while loosing weight you can too brother. I just hope I keep up the pace between now and the end of August. My cycle ends then and my goal is 15 percent BF and 15 pounds lean muscle added.
We might have motivated you but your doing all the work brother and im really happy that you are hitting it hard.
Anytime you need motivation ugmuscle will be here for you brother.
Sounds like you are doing good with all your lifts going up.

Second half of cycle and PCT

Thanks Brother @Optumpharma
You’re doing great! Last year I did 20g carbs per day for 6 months. Getting the cals up is key even without a cycle. If I was running your gear I would need a ton of mixed nuts, beef, and low carb vegetables to hit your targets.
The NPP is to finish the first part and the cyp is to cruise after. The anavar and test prop and tren a and hcg is second half. Running hgh for year also. But yes it’s good stuff I am excited my first tren. I am eating plenty of beef and nuts. A few veggies. Could use more of those. 20 carbs per day is hard am doing 400 protein I think there is more carbs than that just mixed in the meat lol
Just get that fiber or you will have surgery later like I did. Hemorrhoids are no joke and I pushed my surgery to get mine fixed by 20 years.
The proof is in the pudding. Three days ago I caught a lady looking at my body twice. Today at the gas station the clerk asked me where she has seen me before and kept smiling. I told her the gym or here or work or fishing. I don’t go anywhere else. Then she said no. And kept smiling. Grant it o had my shirt on so she couldn’t see the flab that hasn’t tightened up yet. All she could she was the shoulders and my pecks. I love my wife and would never play the situation. But it is damn flattering. Make me feel confident and good. What the hell is gonna happen when I really shape up lol. @BigSwole69 @Dirtnasty @Bigmurph @Optumpharma @Sig516. I assume that shit happens to you guys all the time