SB Labs

First order from Platinum

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Neuro said:
I actually was thinking about this when I said “you just feel good on primo” I think this is a very important thing to take into consideration. Mental health is still part of health.
I fervently concur! Mood is every bit as important as pecs or delts or whatever your favorite body part! I think the principal reason I’m drawn to high test doses is NOT the physical advancement it facilitates (though it certainly does that), but rather, the way those doses make me FEEL. Will be interesting to try a lower dose of test and sub primo for it. I will try that soon.
Poppy said:
The mental thing is a real struggle. I’m thinking it’s more so for the younger men. “Can’t mis a dose OR a workout”… “cuz I don’t want to lose my gains or get small bro”.

The reality is much different…. Missing a dose or a workout is NOT the end of the world.
I respect both aspects of this. More so the second one…
Poppy said:
Clockwork Orange… not but a few of us know what that is.
I meant to respond to this: One of my all-time favorite Kubrick movies and a great book as well. Vividly illustrates the point that without free will, there is no morality. Also underscores the point that lucky is not the same as ethical.
Unless she lying cuz I asked… She said yeah… the pharmacist couldn’t give it to me today because they said they don’t have that dosage and to come pick it up tomorrow
Mine are 20….been on that for a while.

Full disclosure… my dads mom died from renal failure… my renal function has been pretty bad at times. I think I’m out of the woods for now.

Doc said he’ll up the dose if renal function starts heading south…again.
Insurance gets squirrelly about certain tests…frequency and type.

Repeat… with the amount of sauce you’re on… go ahead and spend the extra out of pocket if you have to.

Get your PSA checked…. Prostrate….
Okay you guys were right they are twenties… Should I take half a tab because my blood pressure is fine right now? @Neuro
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Imo you can take the full tab. I do NOT have BP problems but it has proven beneficial for renal functions.

Viagra and Cialis has a better chance of dropping your BP out than telmisartan.

@Neuro and @BBSQ5 can probably give you a better answer.
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