SB Labs

Sleep and gh

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Could. But probably won’t help how you want it. That’s some pretty severe sleep disturbance and deprivation. You’re actually putting your body at more risk than benefiting from training under that little sleep.

I would look into DSIP (delta sleep inducing peptide), apeginin/magnesium L-threonate/L-theanine, cut all stimulants out (caffeine, nicotine, etc), maybe GH would help some.

More importantly, keep looking for a doc that will help you. That little sleep continuously will cause a wide array of long term health issues.

Make sure your room is cold (65-64°) there’s absolutely no light whatsoever, try a weighted blanket.

Honestly you’re playing with fire running gear, training, working, and sleeping that little.
Yep its not ideal for sure. Ive tried the dsip from a trt doc and nada. Hopefully this doc at vandy is holding out on some serious sleep shit that we haven’t tried. I meet again next week
Excellent! I’m so glad you’re still seeking a good doc.

Check out Andrew huberman he talks a lot about regulating sleep and circadian rhythm. It seems minute when you’re looking at all you’ve tried, but at this point I’d say throwing the entire kitchen sink at the sleep disturbance is key.
So far man weve done everything you can google otc or prescription well almost 15 scripts im using a cpap w no apnea been thru cbt i 2 times now its extreeeeeeemly frustrating
Man I can not even fathom the frustration. Just keep trying. When you find something that works it will be worth it.
I guess mine went on for about 3 years or so right after wifey walked out. I self medicated with booze on the days off from work but all that did was drag me down the road to addiction and still no sleep on non abuse days. Came back a couple times throughout the last decade or so for a couple months on and off.

Not good
Oh yeah man that shit will put it on ya. They had me get an eval to c if anything happened when it started and nothing there i swear im chasing a ghost but when i sleep 4 an hour or 2 i feel great till about 4 hrs later
Running the temp down now i usually sleep at 69 gonna run 64 tonight just so i can knock that out. I love the cold its 27 wind chill here doors open
65 degrees! 🥵 I would be dying lol. Definitely would not be using a blanket either. 😂 All kidding aside. I agree with the cold and dark stuff. I work nights and that is how I do it. The only other thing I would add is some noise. Either a fan or white noise machine.
My thermostat wont go below 65 but i do just use a sheet and i got white noise in my headphones. It didnt work again but i did sleep from 5a to 12 so im feeling pretty good for a white boy
HGH helps some people sleep better. For me it doesn’t but it without a doubt heals my body faster in between workouts and helps my many existing injuries keep from getting reinjured. I only sleep minutes at a time. I get up to urinate 5 times minimum and turn from left to right and back around a dozen times at least due to bad sciatica pain down my left leg, and because my old deltoid injuries will get hurt if I lie on one side too long. I’m not sure if I ever get stage 3 sleep. But, HGH has been an absolute miracle in healing my body and allowing my muscles to grow. I wish GHB was still over the counter. It’s the only drug that would give me the 4 hours of stage 3 sleep normal people get each night.
What’s the protocol for that peptide bud?
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