SB Labs

Sleep and gh

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I believe the clinical studies that showed effective dosing was 100-250mcg 2-3 hours before sleep. That’s just off the top of my head, I’ll dig in if I have time tonight at work.
A timely thread. I’ve been averaging four or less hours for the past couple of months, and my mind and body each have deteriorated because of it. My problem is that I can’t sleep before, say, 11-12 p.m., but my wife gets up at 5 am almost every day, and I get up with her. And if I don’t get to sleep before 11pm, my “stay awake” button toggles on, so I can’t get to sleep until around 1-2 am. I catch up here and there, but not enough. Even 4iu of HGH at night doesn’t do enough to make me sleep. Kratom helps, but is not a long term solution–that is, one can’t take a high dose of that every night to get to sleep. And I compound the problem because I have to function at a very high level during the day–like @Neuro on a shift–and so will throw back 150-300mg of armodafinil, which is supposed to allow one to sleep when you want, but as a practical matter, keeps you up like a mild stimulant (like just having had a couple cups of coffee).
Yeah brother i had a specialist prescribe me modanifil before and it keeps me awake but i can still feel the effects of sleep depravity mentally and psychically. The only way im able to lift is to get 4 or less at night then go farm come home get a couple hrs more then go lift but it screws my diet up cause im not hungry. Im just keeping my head above water in the gym in hopes that they get it figured out.
I will tell you how they will teach you to handle yours
They’ll put you on a restricted sleep schedule maybe from 12 or 1 then do that for a coupe weeks and back it up by one hour every couple of weeks till you can sleep 4 an 8 hr window. Been there twice never could get it to stick past this part
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