Start of my 2021 prep

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Yes. Just started Primo so that’ll take a few weeks. Getting labs done this week to be sure the primo is real. Then have to start cutting some carbs out
You mentioned “snatches” in your training. Kind of interesting. Do you incorporate olympic lifts in often?
Yes lots of oly lifts. Today heavy doubles on FS then heavy singles on clean amd jerk
If I had the equipment for olys I would give them a go again. As something to change up lifts and keep it fun I did incorporate hang cleans into program before my shoulder got hurt but racking the weight wasn’t comfortable. Also why I haven’t done front squats in about 5 months
Ok so here is my latest lab work. My test dropped by almost 700 points. I added in Primo that I thought maybe questionable but turns out is probably legit because my test levels did not rise. Switched from my test that I get from CVS to test cyp from Optimum. Dose was exactly the same 200mg per week. Obviously his test is under dosed. The numbers don’t lie. Again, this is why it is so important to test your gear.
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Start of my 2021 prep Members Logs
Here are my starting numbers. This is on 200mg cyp split m/f. Estrogen is a bit higher than I’d like but still within normal limits. I’ll post roid test tomorrow. [image]
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