Well-known member
I’m 33 male,5’11 165lbs. I’ve done a cycle before but it’s been many years and I was reckless and did everything I wasn’t supposed to do, like massive doses of everything but the kitchen sink including tren and this was a 6 month cycle with no PCT. It was pretty stupid I thought I was invincible lol it messed me up. I spent many hours researching in the past but I was doing heroic doses for my first cycle I got good gains but at a steep price of my health and hair. I’m wanting to get back on the horse but responsibly. I’m looking for a good step by step guide with the the how and why, beginner doses stacks,cycles and PCT . I’ve read many post here and hours of searching Google but there is so much junk and shitty suggestions to sift through. So any books or links would be helpful. I’m sure the knowledge you guys have is in many posts but there are thousands of post to look through and I have been for many hours but I would prefer a book that I can reference and highlight make notes. Thanks in advance for your help.
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