SB Labs

Tboy introduction ugm

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My apologies. Hi everyone my name is Trent. I’m a 30 yo male whose fairly new but not entirely new to the gear game. I created an account maybe a couple weeks ago looking for good info on body building topics and gear source. Seems like a good tight knit community with lots to offer. Ive been dabbling with sarms, gear, and prohormones for the last say 10 years. Ive ran test, deca, dbol, and tren longest was 8 weeks on a tren and test cycle. I’ve gotten good results from them, but I never did PCT so in the end I basically ended right back where I started. But I’ve also been in and out of active addiction for a few years which had negative effects on my goals. And I think part of the reason I would relapse is because of me not doing a proper PCT. Coming off of gear without anything to Kickstart my natural hormone production would send me into a depression. And the majority of the reason why I didn’t do PCT is because my source for gear and ancillaries has been extremely limited and overpriced. And i was little bit ignorant and impulsive. I just wanted to get big as fast as I could and really didn’t think everything through.
But I’ve been researching a lot on these topics and I’m alot more informed, as well as equipped with a solid source for all my needs in this department thanks to @paramexer.

I do want some info on the cycle I’m running which is Test and tren. I have Tren Ace and Sustanon 250 which I am using as the Kickstarter of the cycle because they are shorter esters. But Im only intending on using those for the first 4 weeks then transition to Test E and Tren E for the remaining cycle. Because Ace tends to have more negative side effects over the long haul from what I’ve researched than Tren E. So I’m trying to get an idea as to how exactly I can transition from short to long esters without seeing a drop in levels?
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Welcome to UGM brother, we’re glad to have you aboard! There are quite a few of us here in various stages of substance recovery and were always here to help! As far as your cycle I would highly recommend getting bloodwork done before you begin, if you already have and I missed it I apologize! If I were you I would also consider sticking with short esters throughout the entire cycle and saving my long esters for a future cycle, or vice versa! Changing esters mid cycle, especially with tren, will likely lead to some degree of side effects as you will see a notable fluctuation in your hormone levels! Good luck with your cycle bro and let us know how it’s going!
Welcome aboard. I’ve always been a long ester type of guy just because I feel more stable. I just kick start with Dbol for 4 weeks till the test picks up (that’s around mid week 3 for me) and then lay off the Dbol. Short esters I’ve tried but they give me serious PIP issues now that I’m older, but I’m about to give that a whirl again. @McSwickles is pretty much on it. Stay with one or the other. I’m not saying I’ve not done it but I usually ran Sust and Test E together dropping Sust off around week 4 or 5. Was kind of a waste of product. I used to pop prop a couple hours before a workout but still ran test E. Once I got the test e in my blood, dropped the prop. But I’m the king of not what to do. There are TONS of experienced people/sponsors on here to guide you.
One more thing. Get yourself a secure email (ProtonMail) if you want any guidance from sponsors. Most will not deal via unsecured email (yahoo,Gmail,etc)
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Yes i need to get labs done. It’s on my agenda. I would like to ask what you think would be the best Tren/Test ratio for a good bulk?
I was thinking of starting with 200mg a week of tren and increase to no more than about 400mg a week. And with the test I was going to do about 250mg a week and increase to about 500mg a week. Do you think that would be good to get a nice bulk without being too dry or should I alter the ratio?
Welcome aboard brotha ✌️ As far as transitioning, when you up your enathate, gradually lower your ace. So by the time your at your full dose of enathate you should be getting off ace at the same time. Me perferably I’d try to accomplish this in a 2 week time frame. Just outta curiosity why would you come off ace and switch to enanthe, Tren A is the nectar of gods lol, anyways brotha good luck with your blast bro, if you have any questions just hit me up ✌️
I really wanted the ace just to get a little quicker start but I didn’t want to stay on that ester because I’ve read that even though its the better it tends to have more nasty sides than tren e.
For me, when it comes to tren, utilizing it for a bulk depends so much more on my diet than the amount of tren! You could grow nicely on 500mg test/ 400mg tren, but to get your tren to really add mass your gonna have to eat big!
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Ok most definitely. I just mostly wanted solid gains and not so much water weight that comes from wet compounds like deca.
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