SB Labs

Test EQ and deca cycle

Another update: same doses 750mg test, 600eq, 300 deca. Added in 30mg mk677, split 10mg upon waking and 20mg before bed. Blood pressure is in good range 125-130/65-70.

Last monday decided to put the knee wraps on and squat heavy, did a 600lb squat suprsingly easily.
Training is going well, getting into a different style of training is very good i believe. I have been doing deficit deadlifts a lot and am hoping they carryover to normal deadlift.

Lastly on a funny note i broke my gyms belt squat machine, was doing 5 sets of 12 with a 5 sec eccentric and the cable snapped, the weight fell on the floor, no injury.
Nice I hope when I’m done with my hypertrophy phase here that 6 will move still for me. Haven’t gone above 500 since December
If you ever decide to try a new squat program look up “The real Hatch Squat Cycle” This program has 154US Min’s Olympic weight lifting national championships, He’s also had athletes make 33 United States Olympic teams and 12 world teams he has more than 50 athletes selected to to other US International teais national teams. His athletes were renowned for their leg strength during his dominant years from the 80’s, 90’s & 2000’s. Coaches would ask him all the time about the secrets behind his program.

It’s a Tue/Thur program. So many of the athletic programs here use it. There is a description of the program on brute strength if you look for it & you can download the excel. I’m about to start it again myself.

Keep crushing it.
Weighing in around 260lb feeling muscle bellies are full. Did 45min cardio yesterday and some stretching after hitting volume shoulders. goal is next week to squat 300kg or 660lb, last week i hit 640lb. Trying to increase 1rm of one lift and then use hypertrophy training on the others to gain size. I like this training currently.

Also got some somalong on the way @OneQ , im excited.
Thought i would give an update,
training has been going well increasing reps on execrises, weight is up to 260lb.
Going to attempt a 660lb squat on friday or saturday this week, as 640lb went well about 10 days ago.
I want to kit 300kg squat=660lb for my next meet looking at mid may meet, or june.

Bench press going well to 315 for 2x8, 335 for 5 with 1 sec pause yesterday.
I havent been deadlifting in competition style. i have been doing deficit deads the last 3 weeks. they suck, i suck at them therefore i need to improve my weakness.

Food has been going to pound town lately. added a bit of junk food some burgers from culvers or ice cream occasionally. But i have been eating my veggies and fruit. carrots and kiwis everyday gotta get in the vit c and vit a.
also eating 6 meals a day helps, been doing that maybe 4 days per week when im less busy with school.

Hope everyone is doing well.
Fuck yeah man I’m hoping I hit 635 in comp see how much adding a belt will help should get mine by end of month leaving about 12 weeks to break in before comp May 21

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